
教育知识 2025-03-25 21:13学习方法网www.ettschool.cn



作为动词,"taunt"的含义丰富,主要包括嘲笑、侮辱、挑衅或激怒某人。例如句子中的:"He taunted the other players with his success." 意为他用他的成功挑衅其他玩家,再如下例 "She taunted him by saying that he was a coward." 她用他是胆小鬼的说法来激怒他。

接下来,"Taunt"作为名词时,则代表一种具有挑衅、侮辱性质的言语或行为。例如:"His taunt hurt her feelings." 他的侮辱性话语伤害了她的感情。又如:"The boy was accused of taunting his classmates." 这个男孩被指控嘲笑他的同学。

"Taunt"的过去式、过去分词是"taunted",现在分词是"taunting",发音在英式和美式英语中均为 /tnt/。对于这个单词的运用和理解,在英语语言学习与交流中占据着重要的地位。


1. The words I love you, are lost amidst the turbulence of time.

2. With memories, I draw a period to conclude our tale, whose end bridges the ironclad distance between us.

3. Fireworks illuminate the alley, whose kite dances amidst the rain, yet whose heart is truly shattered.

4. Love sometimes comes swiftly, yet at times, it brings with it the sting of hurt.

5. You turn and walk away, ignoring my sorrow. Was I too unruly, disregarding your feelings?

6. My heart is brimming with love for you, though in your eyes, it may just seem like empty talk.

7. Despite my head being lowered in humility, I cannot find a reason for you to take my hand.

8. I yearn to be stronger once more, to suppress my gentle impulses and force myself onward.


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