Slowly, it is a kind of poetic habitation of life, a return to oneself, a taste of life attitude. In this world that often rushes in haste, we should press the temper and enjoy life in the slow lane.
I love slow, because it allows us to keep a calm heart. People who struggle in a fast-paced life are often like stones hitting the water, creating ripples. A peaceful heart, however, is like still water, unaffected by the surrounding turbulence. The quiet, not quite quiet beyond, becomes lovely through a common perspective on life, all in a slow tempo.
Boiling a pot of tea with old white plum blossoms, holding an umbrella to watch the small raindrops fall slowly. No summer rain quickly, life is slowly tasted, quietly elegant.
Justin Bieber、Katy Perry、Kesha、Lady Gaga等大牌歌手的歌曲众所周知,今天我要推荐的是近几年出现的一些不那么广为人知的歌手的作品。这些歌曲节奏感强,旋律抓耳,听几次就会让人上瘾。
我再为你推荐一些比较冷门的英文歌曲。《Superstar》 by Cherish,这首歌在网易云音乐上听到,旋律和节奏都非常完美。《Sketch Plane》是一首英文Rap,节奏感不容置疑。《Dried Out》是以中文歌曲《干物女》的旋律重新填词的一首歌,值得一听。《Say Goodnight》和《You've Got My Heart》两首歌虽然信息不多,但节奏轻快,心情不好时可能会有奇效。
对于你提到的快节奏感的英文歌,其中一首高潮部分是“he will go”,我想到的歌曲是“Never Grow Old” by The Cranberries。这首歌的旋律和节奏都非常快节奏的英文歌。歌词中的“Hope you never grow old”重复多次,给人一种永恒青春的感觉。歌曲中的鸟儿、微风等元素,让人感受到生活的美好和活力。