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中考 2023-02-04 07:51中考时间www.ettschool.cn


  Mr Bron as born in a poor family.He uldn’t go to school hen he as young.No he’s a porter[1] and orks at a station.He doesn’t think it’s necessary[2] to kno so knoledge[3] of science.His son,Bill,began to go to school last year.The boy likes nothing except playing.He doesn’t listen to the teachers in class and can’t do his hoork after class.It’s the hardest thing for him to do maths exercises.And he ants to drop it.

  Last evening Mrs Bron heard Bill crying in the next room hile she and her husband ere atching TV.She ca up to him and asked,“What’s the matter,Bill?”

  “I can’t do my maths hoork,”said the boy.“I on’t go to school tomorro!

  “No,no,don’t do that!”said the oman.“Maybe your father can help you.”

  Then she asked her husband to help their son ith his maths.Mr Bron said,“But I don’t kno maths,either.”

  “It doesn’t matter,”said his ife.“You’ll only ax him out of crying.”

  Mr Bron had to do as his ife said.The next afternoon Bill ca back and shoed his exercise?book to his father.The man had a look at it and shouted to his ife,“Co here quickly,dear!I got an A in maths!”

  Notes:[1]porter /`pt/n.搬运工 [2]necessary/`nesIsrI/adj.必要的 [3]knoledge/`nlId/n.知识


  1.Which of the folloing is true?

  A.Mr Bron as going to be a porter hen he as young.

  B.Mr Bron’s parents ere too poor to send him to school.

  C.Mr Bron asn’t interested in science hen he as young.

  D.There as no school in Mr Bron’s hoton.

  2.Bill can’t do his hoork because   .

  A.his father ouldn’t help him

  B.he doesn’t listen to his teachers

  C.he doesn’t like studying D.he ants to drop maths

  3.Bill cried to   .

  A.get his parents’ help B.go to bed earlier

  C.get sothing to eat D.atch TV ith his parents

  4.The phrase “ax sb. out of crying” in the story ans   .

  A.制止某人哭泣 B.惹得某人哭泣

  C.阻止某人叫喊 D.哄某人停止哭泣

  5.    is good at maths in their family.

  A.Bill B.Mr Bron C.Mrs Bron D.None

  6.When he had a look at Bill’s exercise-book,Mr Bron as   .

  A.sorry B.happy C.orried D.sad













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