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中考 2023-02-04 07:51中考时间www.ettschool.cn


  There ould be a history exam and Phillip looked more and more orried. He hasn’t thought the subject important since they began to study it this term. In class he alays thought of the football matches beteen Class Three and Class To and tried to find out a ay to beat Class To. Of urse he didn’t hear hat Mr. Beckman said. His friend Sally uld help him ith his hoork and hint[1] ho he ansered Mr. Beckman. But bad luck! The girl as ill in hospital and nobody ould help him next Monday!

  Phillip thought hard and at last he found a ay. He pied all the main points[2] on his ristbands[3] and then ent to play football ith his friends. It as Sunday yesterday. Even he didn’t open his students’ book! He as sure he ould pass the exam and ent on playing football and atching TV.

  But this morning, hen the boy as going to dress himself, he uldn’t find his shirt. He jumped off the bed and began to look for it everyhere, but he failed. His mother brought his breakfast in and found his bedroom as in a fearful ss[4]. She asked in surprise, “What’s the matter, son?"

  “I can’t find my shirt!"

  “You ore it for a eek and I ashed it hen you fell asleep last night."

  “Who let you ash it?" Phillip shouted angrily.

  Notes:[1]hint/hInt/v. 暗示 [2]point/pInt/n.点 main point 要点 [3]ristband/`rIstbnd/n. 衬衣袖口 [4]in a fearful ss 零乱不堪

  1.Phillip is in Class T   .

  2.Phillip has learned n   in history class.

  3.Mr Beckman is Phillip's history t   .

  4.Phillip as afraid he ould f   the history exam.

  5.Phillip l   playing football very much.

  6.Usually Sally helped Phillip to p   the history exams before.

  7.Phillip thought everything as r   and didn’t revie history.

  8.Phillip’s mother ashed his shirt hen the boy ent to s   .

  9.The oman thought Phillip’s shirt d   and ashed it.

  10.Having heard his mother, Phillip as a   ith her.

















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