
学习方法 2023-02-02 15:19语文学习方法www.ettschool.cn



1. The ord “race” is pronounced as .

A. / reis / B. /reiz / C. /rez / D. /r?s /

2. There are bookshops on side of the street. of them are open.

A. both, All B. every, None

C. either, So D. other, Most

3. I don’t kno if his uncle .

---I think he ( )if it doesn’t rain.

A. ill e, es B. ill e, ill e

C. es, es D. es, ill e

4. Most students plain that have trouble so much hoork in such a short ti.

A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. finishes

5. “You study this term than last term,” Miss Zhang said .

A. much carefully, kindly B. more carefully, very kind

C. more careful, kind enough D. much more carefully, kindly

6. Do you mind my taking this place?

. It’s for my son.

A. Better not B. Yes, of urse not C. Yes, please D. Not at all

7. The temperature on’t be don there are big storms.

A. hen B. until C. if D. unless

8. Afternoon tea is ______ in the dining room from 3 to 5 p. m. every day.

A. served B. burned C. oked D. eaten

9. As China gros stronger and stronger, Chinese in more and more schools out of our untry.

A. teaches B. is taught C. has taught D. as taught

10. Tom late. But no he gets up very early.

A. is used to get up B. used to get up C. as used to get up D. is used to getting up

11. the end, the ncert ith a piece of beautiful music called “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.”

A. In, ended B. By, ended C. By, started D. In, start

12. I don’t kno on the Inter, though most of people do.

A. ho can I use QQ B. ho I can use QQ C. hen can I use QQ D. hich I can use QQ

13. My life a lot in the last fe years.

A. change B. changed C. has changed D. have changed

14. She didn’t e to school yesterday, did she?

, though she didn’t feel ell.

A. Yes, she did B. No, she didn’t C. Yes, she didn’t D. No, she did

15. Ho ill you perhaps begin a talk ith an Englishman politely?

By saying “ ?”

A. Have you had your lunch B. Where are you going

C. Ho old are you D. Lovely day, isn’t it

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