
学习方法 2020-01-13 14:34语文学习方法www.ettschool.cn
 Last eek I ent to Peking University and Tsinghua University here I as invited to deliver lectures on “learning English ith passion”. I found out that all those students have sothing in mon; they all have determinations to learn English ell . That's thevery reason hy I gave lectures at more than ten most prestigious universities ith an attempt to help students ho ant to nquer English ithin the shortest ti.
  That’s true, having a good mand of English is vitally significant and profound. Here I ould like to give all my friends and students so advice for the future learning in terms of the experience I got from being a teacher for many language training schools and being interpreter for governnt as ell as embassies. Being an interpreter is by no ans easy, hich needs to have a good mand of listening, understanding or deding and speaking. As soon as I hear the original voice from the speaker, anhile, I ill dede or understand it by dividing the ntent of the voice into different segnts, and use my short-term mory and if possible ,note-taking, to deliver the interpretation in the process of nsecutive or simultaneous cases. No , I ould like to tell you ho to speak good English.
  3-D thods (Dialogue, Discussion and Debate) to improve your eloquence
  Having authentic and polished oral English is every learner’s dream, hoever, many of my students ho spent a lot of years, money and efforts to speak this language ell but failed to be able to municate and speak out, the reason to hich might be mainly nfidence and thods. I notice that many students do ell in speaking hen nducting a prepared speech or presentation in class. But speaking English fluently is not just about making presentations and giving speeches. It is about expressing your ideas and insight on the most mundane of things around you. I still rember hen I first landed on the soil of Beijing 5 years ago; I uld not municate ith my friends and even felt uneasy hen going out ith them because I did not have the nfidence to start a nversation ith my Mandarin. It’s the sa to the English learners ho have no urage to start a ic and face an akard silence after the initial greeting as given because they don't kno hat to talk about and are not nfident of putting sothing across rrectly, thus the nversation es to end.
  The ability to make dialogues is very important in social munication. Topics for casual nversation uld include the eather, education, music, current affairs; hobbies, travel, etc. Do not alays ask foreigner “hat is your na and ho is your job” hen you ant to find one to practice your English ith. Before going to English Corner, please read up on your area of interest and try framing sentences expressing your opinions. Talk about it ith soone close to you or soone’s English level is higher than yours, so you can check for your language auracy and fluency.You’d better to grasp regularly used ays of small talk, and you ill be able to initiate speaking more nfidently. If you can break this barrier and speak out ith passion and nfidence, you can take your first step into the realm of English speaking and bee a public speaker in the future.
  Discussion and Debate
  I alays enlighten my students that your language ability and academic achievents are very imperative and important, but the most important of all, it’s your eloquence to municate in the personal relationships. Elite may not have eloquence, but an eloquent person must be an elite. So the best ay to drill your speaking abilities is to discuss and debate. When I as a junior, I alays raised discussions ith my classmate in my dorm, questions like “environntal protection, habitation, 2008 Olympics, postgraduate exams and so on. After everyone aired his opinions, then e nducted debate to argue, to express ideas to nvince the other. And I gradually build up on my on repertoire of nversational ics and start using them henever I get a chance; subsequently I have good mand of English, and on a lot of aards in English speech ntest and debate. Hence, it’s also effective for you, my beloved friends or students, to have a try to use your language to discuss and debate.Other thods
  Many students do ant to improve their English by all ans. It’s self-evident that all of us like taking don notes hen e are listening to the lectures given by teachers at school. But it’s not a rrect ay to speak good language. Can you learn simming by standing at the edge of the pool and taking don the ords spoken by the ach? You have to take the plunge, right? I seldom took notes hen I as given lessons, but I ould morize them ith my mouth, my mind and my ears. There is just one case I ill take notes hen I am doing my job as an interpreter for the Beijing municipal governnt and embassy. I still rember hen I as interpreting for the ambassador from the Philippines, at hich mont she as delivering the speech about 10 minutes at the Great Wall international nference. Hadn’t I taken the notice from the speaker, I don’t think I ould have interpreted for her and on the applause from the officials. It is the sa ith language. Unless you use the language everyday, you ill never kno ho good you are at it. Ask your friends ho are good at English to help. Try to speak it as much as possible, and let them interrupt you henever you make mistakes and ask them to rrect you. Do not feel embarrassed to make mistakes, for that is the only ay you ill learn. Enjoy losing face and enjoy making mistakes because that is the ay ho the process of acquiring fluency a language ours. Everyone may have made a lot of mistakes before getting a good grasp of mother tongue. The only difference no is that you are nscious of the mistakes. So ,do not be afraid of making mistakes.
  Attitude that unts the most
  If you do ant to learn sothing ell, you are supposed to have nfidence and passion. I love playing piano , basketball and learning as ell as being a teacher, to hich I devote my hole interest , nfidence and passion no matter ho many mistakes I ill enunter, ho helpless , ho hopeless and ho far aay for to reach my final goal. I ill never s fighting for the betternt and improvent of myself and to be an all-grounded person equipped ith knoledge and clear mindset. And that is hy I hope all of you can be nfident and passionate for hat you have done and hat you ill be doing.
  Finally, I ant to say to my students and English lovers. Try to be nfident and passionate in the journey of study and life, all you need is a ill to learn and the initiative to begin. That done, it is simply a matter of ti and effort!
  I ill alays back you up and be ith you!

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