
好词好句 2025-01-25 10:02摘抄好词好句www.ettschool.cn

1. Transform yourself for self-rescue, inspire others for salvation.

2. Life without a destination is like a journey without a compass.

3. All misfortunes are bearable, for there is no逆境that cannot be escaped.

4. In life, there is nothing to fear but ignorance.

5. Be a little more cautious, regret a little less.

6. Life's purpose is not to outpace others, but to surpass oneself.

7. Climbing the highest mountain requires a step-by-step approach.

8. Add a bit more care, subtract a bit more regret.

9. Life is not like Lindaiyu, it doesn't revel in sadness and romance.

10. Persistence and tenacity can conquer any peak in the world.

11. Life is a dream, anything is possible if you dare to dream.

12. The pain of learning is temporary, the pain of unlearning is lifelong.

13. Dear children, soar to the sky that belongs to you!

14. For a blind ship, all winds seem contrary.

15. Every challenge is surmountable; no adversity is insurmountable.

16. My playlist tells a story of me.

17. All restrictions begin within the self.

18. The key to success lies in our response to failure.

19. My playlist reflects the story of my life.

20. Temporary setbacks can be turned into knowledge and insight through unyielding effort.

21. With perseverance and毅力, any peak in the world can be conquered.

22. Life without goals is like sailing without a compass.

23. Brave people risk their lives, not their conscience.

24. Out of the brilliant comes the beauty, out of the struggle emerges the triumph.

25. In life, brave the challenges, not the conscience.

26. There is no brilliance that waits; only beauty that emerges from hard work and struggle.

27. Wishing you good health, luck, and happiness throughout the year.

28. There are two kinds of life: one that burns with passion, and one that rots in idleness.

29. Life is not about outpacing others, but about outpacing oneself.

30. Every life ends, but not every life is truly lived.

66. 积极思考铸就积极人生,消极思考则引领消极人生。

67. 不要守株待兔,而要勇于创造机遇。

68. 暂时的挫折常常在坚持不懈的奋斗中,转化为宝贵的知识和洞察力。

69. 别浪费生命,别在注定会让你后悔的地方徘徊。

70. 积极向上的人生由积极思维塑造,消极思维则导向消极人生。

71. 生命的每一刻都值得珍惜,别在日后回首时感到遗憾。

72. 在这神圣的季节里,愿你享受喜悦。愿幸福永远伴随你。

73. 亲爱的孩子们,展翅高飞吧,飞向属于你们自己的那片天空!

74. 谨向你致以季节的问候。

75. 肥胖不是一口吃出来的,却是无数次贪吃累积的结果。

76. 不要等待机会降临,而要勇于创造机会。

77. 愿你结交更多真挚的朋友,共同度过成长的岁月!

78. Life's not about fear of things, it's about understanding them.(人生寄语英文)

79. 请接受我节日的祝福。

80. 学习的痛苦是暂时的,但没有学到的痛苦是终生的。

81. 成大事不在于力量,而在于持久的坚持。

82. 恭贺新年,愿吉祥如意、幸福欢乐与你同在。

83. 世界会为那些有目标有远见的人让步。

84. 不要以为一口就能吃成胖子,但胖子往往是一口一口累积而成的。

85. 每个人终有一死,但不是每个人都真正活过。

86. 当他人失败时,你成功了。

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