
好词好句 2022-06-16 20:57摘抄好词好句www.ettschool.cn

1.e are tired,because e alays hesitate beteen persistence and give up,alking forth and back.e feel bored just because e have good mories,e rember the things e should rember and never fet those e shouldn't rember.hen e feel miserable,just because e ant to gain too much.hen e take everything seriously,e must be unhappy.it is not because e oe so little,but e take too much personally.

我们之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。我们之所以会烦恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都会留在记忆里。我们之所以会痛苦,就是追求的太多。我们之所以不快乐,就是计较的太多,不是我们拥有的太少,而是我们计较的太多。 -

2.ten characteristics of the n attract to the on: 1,true 2,profound 3,tolerant 4,brave 5,good manner 6,quick-itted 7,humour 8,keeping fing ahead 9,romantic 10,take a risk.ten characteristics of the on attract to the n:1,gentle 2,isdom and caring 3,shoing nsideration for him 4,self restraint 5,hazy 6,little movent 7,being good at doing houseork 8,perfect skin 9,sexy earing 10,arm and fragrant

男人吸引女人的10个特质:1.真实 2.深刻 3.胸怀 4.敢为 5.风度 6.机灵 7.幽默 8.进取 9.浪漫 10.冒险.女人吸引男人的10个特点:1.温柔 2.知性 3.体贴 4.涵养 5.朦胧 6.小动作 7.勤于家事 8.肤白 9.性感着装 10.香氛 -

3.the true love is aept,not put up ith;it is support,not submit;it is express sympathy for the other,not call to acunt;the true love,you should say thank you and sorry.shoing nsideration for the other and making alloances for the other.you should admit your fault and rrect that.the true love is more than staring at each other,but looking at the sa direction.actually,love does not hunt for a perfect one,but admire a non-perfect one ith admiring eyes.

真正的爱,是接受,不是忍受;是支持,不是支配;是慰问,不是质问;真正的爱,要道谢也要道歉。要体贴,也要体谅。要认错,也好改错;真正的爱,不是彼此凝视,而是共同沿着同一方向望去。其实,爱不是寻找一个完美的人。而是,要学会用完美的眼光,欣赏一个并不完美的人。 -

4.there are alays such people there around us,you can see him happy the hole day,acting like a child,everybody admires him:in fact,you kno hat? he cried one send before,but smiled again in front of the others.actually they have no ability to be alone.hen it darks,he sits in front of the indo and think about everything that make him nfused and sad.they like the sunfloers:on one side,facing the sun,they happy all day;hoever,on the other side,you can't see the sadness in the shado.

身边总有些人,你看见他整天都开心,率真得像个小孩,人人都羡慕他;其实,你哪里知道前一秒人后还伤心地流着泪的他,后一秒人前即刻洋溢灿烂笑容。他们其实没有能力独处,夜深人静时,总坐在窗前对着夜空冥想失意的苦楚。他们就像向日葵,向着太阳的正面永远明媚鲜亮,在照不到的背面却将悲伤深藏。 -

5.in the life.so people e and go,the others leave you and then e back.so are near to you,the others are far aay from you.so people pass you,but so people go ith you.maybe you et ith each at the end of to roads,you keep each other for pany and then say goodbye at the next intersaction.hatever,no one can avoid the sensitive feeling of falling apart.the friends ho are far aay from ,maybe e can't even say hello to each other,but thank you all the sa that e had the chance to go hand in hand.


6.love is simple,because everyone can say:"i love you,and i ill pay everything for you!",love is difficult,because fe people keep theirs'promise.if you really love a person,love still exists even though you refuse to make a mitnt;if you don't love a people at all,you can betray at any ti even if you sear you love.

爱情很简单,因为每个人都会说“我爱你,会为你付出一切!”,爱情很难,因为没有多少人做到了他的承诺。 如果真心爱一个人,不承诺也会去爱;如果不爱一个人,曾经承诺也会背叛。 -

7.hat is your most regrettable for? one magazine surveys the old people of over sixty all over the orld: the first one,75 percent of them regret that they didn't ork hard hen they ere young,so it's good for nothing no.the send one:70 percent of them regret choosing the rong poision hen they ere young.the third one;62 percent of them regret educationing theirs'children in the rong ay.the fourth one:57 percent of them regret that they didn't cherish theirs'mate.the fifth one:49 percent of them regret that they didn't keep in good health.

【你悔什么】某杂志对全国60岁以上的老人抽样调查第一名75%的人后悔年轻时努力不够,导致一事无成。第二名70%的人后悔在年轻的时候选错了职业。第三名62%的人后悔对子女教育不当。第四名57%的人后悔没有好好珍惜自己的伴侣。第五名49%的人后悔没有善待自己的身体。 -

8.ten schemings for being human:1,don't be so innocent,try to disguise yourself a little.2,you should pave a ay for yourself at any ti.3,you can't say"absolutely",or you can't have your on business.4,you can be mature but not be orldly-ise.5,have right options for this orld,be open-minded.6,knoing the ays of being circle or square,never troule troubles before trouble troubles you.7,don't lose to presents:good manner and gifts.8,you live in this orld,be aare of being frad up by your friends.9,you are alloed to be snobbish oasionally,hunting for the reliable partner.10,being a human regardless of your strong self-respect.

【做人十心机】⒈做人不能太单纯 适度伪装自己 ⒉凡事留余地 要留退路 ⒊话不说绝 口无遮拦难成大事 ⒋成熟而不世故 ⒌心态好 想得开活得不累 ⒍懂方圆之道没事不惹事,来事不怕事 ⒎不可少二礼:礼仪与礼物 ⒏人在江湖飘 防挨朋友刀 ⒐偶尔"势利眼" 寻可靠伙伴 ⒑放下面子来做人。

9.on your ay of life,there are alays people e and go,so people leave you ntinuously.hen the ne na bees the old na,and the old one is gradually blurring,then that is the end of obe story and the beginning of another story.in the urse of eting and leaving,e finally understand:the people arould us only acpany us for one station,let alone the hole life;those ho can go ith us for the hole life are ours'na and the touching es from those clear or vague nas.

人生旅途中,总有人不断地走来,有人不断地离去。当新的名字变成老的名字,当老的名字渐渐模糊,又是一个故事的结束和另一个故事的开始。在不断的相遇和错开中,终于明白身边的人只能陪着自己走过或近或远的一程,而不能伴自己一生;陪伴一生的是自己的名字和那些或清晰或模糊的名字所带来的感动。 -

10.be clever from no on ,don't ask the other hether miss and love you or not ? if they miss or love you,they can say it out,but if you ask so,they ill be arrogant and pay no attention to you.don't take so people or so things so seriously.face them calmly and let everything go its on ay.because this is the orld e live in,you can be orthless in front of the things that you care too much.

从现在开始,聪明一点,不要问别人想不想你,爱不爱你?若是要想你或者爱你自然会对你说,从你的嘴里说出来,别人会很骄傲和不在乎你。再也不要太在意一些人,太在乎一些事,顺其自然以最佳心态面对,因为这个世界就是这样往往在最在乎的事物面前,我们最没有价值。 ?-

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