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my favourite months英语作文_写一篇介绍你最喜欢的动物的英语短文(70词)

中考 2025-03-12 11:08中考时间www.ettschool.cn


My Favorite Months: An English Essay

My favorite month is May. It heralds the arrival of spring in the north of China. In May, the birds sing sweetly, and the flowers bloom with a delightful aroma.

I love to go hiking in spring. I can picnic in the park, where the air is fresh and the scenery is breathtaking. Flying a kite in the park is a blast. Moreover, May is a fruit feast. Eating fresh fruits during this season is a real treat. It's all so refreshing!

The English Short Story of My Favorite Animal (70 words)

I have a dog named Mimi. She's adorable. Every time I come home from school, Mimi is always cruising around me. I'll go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat for her, and she'll lie on the floor to eat it. After my legs, she jumps and barks "Wang," then licks my hand, making me laugh. I love Mimi and all puppies.

My Favorite Celebrity: An English Short Story (60 words)

When it comes to my favorite celebrity, Mark Zuckerberg comes to mind first. As the founder and CEO of Facebook, his contributions in technology innovation and social media are unquestionable. Mark Zuckerberg graduated from Harvard University, where he showed exceptional computing and programming skills. He co-founded Facebook in 2004, which has become a globally renowned social networking platform. Through his敏锐的洞察力和卓越领导能力,马克扎克伯格不仅推动了Facebook的快速发展,还致力于将互联网的力量用于社会公益事业。他的职业生涯充满挑战和争议,但他始终保持创新和进取的精神,推动人们连结、交流和分享信息,为全球带来更多的机遇和联系。马克扎克伯格以其在科技创新和社交媒体领域的贡献赢得了广泛认可和尊重,他是我最喜欢的名人之一。我相信他的影响将持续深远,改变我们的生活方式,为社会发展注入更多正能量。

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