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中考 2025-01-14 08:14中考时间www.ettschool.cn




1. I am the storm, unchained and wild. 我是不受束缚的狂风,狂野且震撼。

2. Life is mine, I'll play it my way. 生命是我的,我要按自己的方式活。

3. Challenges are my spice, success is my destination. 挑战是我的调味料,成功是我的目的地。

4. In the game of life, I am the grandmaster. 在人生的棋局中,我是大师。

5. I don't follow trends, I set them. 我不追随潮流,我是潮流的引领者。



1. Forge your own path, let your legacy be told. 走出自己的路,让你的传奇被传颂。

2. Success is not a destination, it's a continuous journey of growth and overcoming challenges. 成功不是终点,而是不断克服挑战、实现成长的旅程。

3. With every step, I take control of my destiny. 每走一步,我都在掌控自己的命运。

4. Unstoppable me, chasing dreams without fear. 无可阻挡的我,无畏地追逐梦想。

5. Life is too precious to waste on trivial things; focus on what matters and shine like a star. 生命如此珍贵,不要浪费在琐事上;专注于重要之事,如明星般闪耀。


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