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中考 2025-01-04 08:43中考时间www.ettschool.cn


1. Cheer up! Brighter days are ahead.

2. Don't give up easily.

3. The diligent find opportunities, while the lazy miss theirs.

4. Only by constantly learning can we hope for a brighter future.

5. Those who are fragile only know how to pity themselves, not to reflect on themselves.

6. Efforts today, triumphs tomorrow.

7. Lighten up! Don't let life get you down.

8. He who labors diligently always finds opportunities, while the lazy miss out on them everywhere.

9. Night may give me dark eyes, but I use them to find light.

10. Never quit, never surrender!

11. Speak bravely and life will grant you a new beginning.

12. The college entrance examination is just a field of opportunity.

13. Brace up and face the challenges.

14. Overcome self-relentlessness and strive forward.

15. Work creates mastery; effort brings success.

16. Shake off that sorrowful look and face the day with a smile.

17. Be happy and things will eventually work out for the best.

18. There's nothing impossible! Believe in yourself and achieve your dreams.

19. This is just a temporary setback; things will get better soon.

20. Come on! Push forward and take action! Let's do it now!

21. I was born to be a strong person in life, with unique traits and unbreakable spirit.

22. Great achievements don't come from small steps; they are built over time by consistent effort and dedication.

23. I will shine bright in that challenging and decadent day, with perseverance and hard work as my guide.

24. Just like building a great structure, success is not achieved overnight; it requires dedication and focus beyond small matters.

25. Don't be so gloomy! Life is too short to waste, so make the most of it and embrace happiness wherever you find it!

26. Don't let your best years pass you by without fulfilling your potential and chasing your dreams with all your might!

27. Success and luck often favor those who are diligent and committed to their goals with every ounce of their strength!

28. Life may be frustrating at times, but it is always within your power to create joy and happiness in your own life by staying positive and pushing forward with determination!

29. Genius is merely a cover for perseverance and hard work; don't be fooled by apparent intelligence or skill the real key is the unwavering effort behind it all!

55. 振奋起来,我们定能找到解决之道。

56. 荣耀的彼岸依旧光芒四射。

57. 保持微笑!事情会平静下来的。

58. 放松点!不值得为此烦恼。

59. 脆弱的人,唯有自我怜悯和反思。

60. 振作精神,我们定能找出一条出路。


61. 低头是知识的海洋,抬头是未来的天空。

62. 坚持住。一切都会好转的。

63. 黑夜赠我漆黑的眼眸,我却用它来追寻光明。

64. 为明天做好准备,最好的方法就是全力以赴的今天!

65. 人的学习需要静心,然后必须去学到东西。如果不学习,就要广博;如果不渴望学习,就不能成功。


66. 聚沙成塔,每一分努力都有价值。

67. 没有最笨的人,只有最不肯努力的人。

68. 明天的希望,让我们忘却昨天的痛苦!

69. 今日的努力,铸就明日的实力。

70. 不要在最能展现自己才华的年纪选择平庸。

71. 即使身处污浊腐朽的环境,我也要熠熠生辉。

72. 为明天做的最好的准备,就是尽全力过好今天。

73. 不要忘记,得志之时仍需谦虚谨慎。



向着更高的目标迈进,你会变得更好。 心怀希望,勇攀高峰! 保持积极心态,一切都会好起来的! 未来的辉煌在前方等待着你!

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