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中考 2023-02-04 07:53中考时间www.ettschool.cn


501. The monsense monealth governnt no longer uses the unmon monplace. 有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。 502. The munist municated munism to this municipal munity. 那个员把共产主义传入该市立社区. 503. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels. 在酒巴里理发师为一罐果酱讲了价然后越过桶作的屏障. 504. The quarrelso general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters. 好争吵的将军在司令部为四分之一夸脱油而争吵. 505. On the edding I sa blooms embeded in the bed of the bedroom. 在婚礼上,我看见卧室的床上镶嵌着花朵. 506. The fisherman ishes to finish the dish of reddish fish. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色的鱼。 507. On the Christmas the Christian’s assistant fisted Pistol Piston and tisted his rist. 在圣诞节,基督徒的助手拳击了“手枪活塞”并扭了他的手腕. 508. My sister insists nsistently on persistent resistance to transistor radios. 妹妹一贯坚决主张持久抵制晶体管收音机。 509. The chemist and the mistress insist that the mist nsists of several chemicals. 化学家和女教师坚持认为薄雾由几种化学物品构成. 510. My nephe found a fe dedrops on the Jeish jeeler’s jeel. 侄儿发现犹太珠宝商的珠宝上有几滴露珠. 511. The cre unscreed the scres from the seing-machine and cheed them. 船员们从缝纫机上旋下螺钉并咀嚼它们. 512. The intervieer revieed the nespaper and reneed his viepoint on the nes.

采访者查看了报纸并更新了他对该新闻的看法. 513. The refiner defined a definite nfine ith her fine finger. 提炼者用她精细的手指定义了一个明确的界限. 514. The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的. 515. We are dined and ined in the inner dining-room of the inn. 在旅店的内部餐厅,我们受到了酒宴款待. 516. I’m inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline ritten on linen. 我倾向于给写在亚麻布上的大纲中的这些学科划下画线. 517. The engineer examined the engine of the mining machine for stomach. 工程师检查采矿机的发动机是否有肚子痛。 518. The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent. 魔术杂志上那艘提交的潜艇闪亮而壮观。 519. Thus the enthusiastic dumb man thumbed the humble man’s umbrella. 于是热情的哑巴用拇指拨弄谦卑男子的伞. 520. The trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances. 这些雨伞装配线的抖动有相似之处。

521. I’m interested in hy he is arrested hile resting in aural restaurant in the forest. 我对他为何在森林里的香味餐馆歇息的时候被捕感兴趣。 522. I guess the guest’s gesture suggested that he uld not digest ell. 我猜想客人的手势暗示了他消化不良. 523. The pretty priest protested the ntest of protein test. 漂亮牧师抗议蛋白质化验赛. 524. “What a marvelous carving!” the starving harvester in vest said. “好一件神奇的雕刻!”挨饿的穿着背心的收割者说. 525. During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor. 节日期间投资者调查了他的祖宗. 526. Subsequently the eloquent man frequently asked the nsequence of quenching in sequence.

其后雄辩者频繁地询问顺序灭火的结果. 527. In this sester the esterner thinks Chest Orchestra is the best. 这学期西方人认为箱子乐队是最好的乐队. 528. Henceforth, the north ind is orthless to the northerners. 从今以后,北风对北方人没有益处。 529. On the eastern Easter feast, at least one beast’s s ere tested ith yeast. 在东部复活节宴会上,至少有一头牲畜的乳房被用酵母做了试验. 530. The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month. 无经验的青年们在南洞口闲荡了一个月. 531. The bird nests only in northeast, northest, southeast and southest lest it be found. 此鸟只在东北、西北、东南和西南筑巢,以免被发现. 532. The airport and seaport are important to import and export of portable goods. 机场和海港对于进口和出口轻便商品很重要.

533. On the porter’s passport a portion of the portrait isn’t proportional. 在搬运工的护照上,部分肖像不成比例. 534. With the reporter’s support, the sportsn are transported to the airport. 在教育小编的支持下,运动员们被运送到了机场. 535. After a fortnight’s torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune. 经过两星期的拷打后那个不幸的人得到了逃脱不幸的机会. 536. I got this sort of fortable soft shorts ith no efforts. 我不费吹灰之力弄到了这种柔软舒适的短裤。 537. The forecaster ntrasted the cast castle ith the vast desert. 预言者将铸造的城堡与广阔的沙漠作了对比。 538. I tasted the paste in haste and cast it on the aste plaster. 我匆忙品尝了浆糊然后将其丢在废泥灰上。 539. The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics sho in the gymnasium.

宇航员(一位天文学迷)对体育馆里的体操表演感到惊骇. 540. The master’s masterpiece caused a disaster to headmaster. 主人的杰作给校长造成灾难.

541. After the blast the plastics sho everlasting elasticity. 爆炸过后,塑胶显示出永久的弹性. 542. The pitch made itch. I pitched the sitch into the ditch around the kitchen. 沥青使我发痒.我把开关抛进围绕厨房的水沟里. 543. I scratched a match and sa my atch catching a patch. 我划了一根火柴发现我的手表钩着了一块补丁。 544. With ti elapsing, the flaps llapse up on his clapper’s lap.

随着时间流逝,袋盖在拍手者的膝上堆叠起来。 545. The incapable man in cap ent into the hospitable capital hospital. 戴帽的无能男子走进热情好客的首都医院. 546. I gripped the striped strip that tripped over on the ship. 我握着那条在船上将我绊倒的带条纹的带子。 547. With his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight. 狡猾的苍蝇用嘴唇夹住遮挡他视线的滑拖鞋。 548. The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut."

按钮咕哝着发出声音说:"蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生." 549. The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes. 擦伤的逃犯用带子把葡萄扎成各种形状。 550. In the past the pass uld pass passion to the passive man having pasti on the pasture. 在过去,指南针可以将激情传递给在牧场上消遣的被动之人 551. In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of ssage to ssenger. 在过道里,乘客给信差传递了一盒带信息。 552. It as not the aluminum but the massive brass and bronze on the grass that embarrassed . 让我为难的不是铝而是草地上厚重的黄铜和青铜. 553. From the classical class, the classmate ith glasses knos the classification of classics. 戴眼镜的同学从古典文学课上知道了古典名著的分类.

554. The hungry drunk plunged a trunk of lungs into the tunnel under the channel. 饥饿的醉汉把一大箱肺投进了水渠下面的隧道. 555. I bundled a bunch of branches and anchored it on the punching bench. 我捆起一簇树枝,将它栓在冲压工作台上. 556. The fundantal fund functions punctually in njunction ith abundant capital. 这笔重要基金与充裕的资本一起准时发挥作用. 557. Uncle and aunt launched a laundry ith the blunt hunter. 伯伯和伯母与直率的猎人创办了一家洗衣店. 558. The upset supplent supplier ent up ith the puppet to the upper room for supper. 心烦意乱的增刊供给者与傀儡一起到上面的房间吃晚餐. 559. I’m liable to give reliable reply to the application for supply of apples. 我有责任对申请供应苹果给予可靠答复. 560. Salaries vary ith various jobs. 薪水随各种各样的工作而异。

561. I didn’t evaluate the blue glue due to the vague plague. 因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。 562. The flu influenced the influential speaker’s fluency of speech. 流感影响了那个有影响的讲话者讲话的流畅. 563. I have association ith the socialists of the society. 我与协会内的社会主义者有交往. 564. In the cinema the dicine imdiately redied the dium. 在电影院里这种药立刻拯救了中间人. 565. I use the ripe recipe to ipe the pipeline. 我用成熟的配方来擦拭管道. 566. The boastful toaster roasts himself on the ast in the sunshine. 好说大话的祝酒者在海岸上晒太阳. 567. It as true that the rescued cruel man let fuel oil issue from the tissue. 获救的无情男子真的任凭燃油从薄纱中流出. 568. The furious obscure curer is curious to secure the curly-curved rcury curiosity.

盛怒的不出名治疗者渴望弄到这种带卷曲曲线的水银珍品。 569. The dictator predicted the ntradiction in the dictionary. 独裁者预言了字典中的矛盾. 570. In the fiction, the victim of the nflict pictured the piic after victory. 在小说中,冲突中的受害者描绘了胜利后的野餐. 571. The pupils ill fix ith a mixture the fixed figure in the future. 学生们将来要用一种混合物整修固定轮廓。 572. The impure mixture ith impurity is purified. 含杂质的不纯混合物被提纯。 573. The native has no nationality; he is an international man. 这个土著没有国籍,他是一个国际人. 574. In the rural the naturally matured tomatoes have this nature.

在乡下自然成熟的番茄具有这种性质. 575. The orshiper thinks that the orst is the insufficient horsepoer. 崇拜者认为最坏的事是马力不足. 576. A year ago I uld go ithout the foregoing favorite flavor. 一年前没有先前最喜爱的风味我也能过. 577. The fresh flesh on the sh refreshed the dog. 网格上的新鲜肉使狗恢复了体力. 578. In the autumn the authorities automatically authorize to buy highly mobile automobiles. 秋天,当权者自动授权我买高机动性的汽车. 579. The lumnist holds the lorful lumn of the lonial nespaper. 那位专栏作家主持殖民地报纸的多彩专栏. 580. In the beautiful bureau my daughter’s laughter served for the sauce of the sausage. 在漂亮的办公署,女儿的笑声充当了香肠的调料。 581. The chanical chanic knos the technique and technology of the echo chanism.

呆板的机修工知道共鸣装置的技术和工艺. 582. The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee’s rug. 丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大插头. 583. I hope to make pper pies of the telespe and microspe for hobby in the lobby. 我希望制作望远镜和显微镜的铜质复制品. 584. The sloped envelope indicates the developnt velocity of printing. 那个倾斜的信封显示了印刷的发展速度。 585. The rope is proper property to the prospering rope maker. 绳子对成功的制绳者来说是真正的财产. 586. It’s a pity that the spitbox in the pit as hit and split. 遗憾的是坑内的痰盂被打裂. 587. The situation is fit for profiting and beneficial to the shops situated nearby. 这种形势适于获利且对坐落在附近的商铺有益。

588. The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel. 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌. 589. The advanced van has disadvantages as ell as advantages. 这辆先进的篷车有优点也有缺点. 590. The original Organ Organization as originated ith an original man. 最初的风琴组织是由一个有创见的人发起的。 591. The pale salesman holesales scales on a large scale. 面色苍白的推销员大规模批发比例尺(天平,鱼鳞). 592. The males think the females have talent for telling stale tales. 男人认为女人有讲陈腐故事的才能。 593. Beneath (Underneath) the reath the deaf man near death is out of breath. 花环下面那个快要死的聋子喘不过气来。 594. The nclusion includes my attitude toard his rudeness. 结论包含了我对他的粗鲁所持的态度. 595. In the pond the sponsor responded to the rrespondent’s rresponding responsibility. 在池塘里主办者对通讯员的相应责任作出了回应.

596. In this version, so nversions are made to the verbs and adverbs in the nversation. 该版本中,会话中的动词和副词作了一些转换. 597. The smic verse on the reverse of the paper is very ele in Universe University. 纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。 598. The dismissed Siss miss kissed the once missing missile and scissors. 被解雇的瑞士小妞吻了一度失踪的导弹和剪刀。 599. The b is bined ith a bomb in the tomb. 梳子和坟墓里的炸弹结合在一起。 600. The sum of the hamrs is made in the sumr summary. 锤子总额在夏季里作了统计.

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