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中考 2023-02-04 07:52中考时间www.ettschool.cn

One day the famous Arican scientist Albert Einstein t an old friend of his on a street in Ne York.

“Mr Einstein,” said the friend, “ it seems that you need to put on a ne overat. Look, ho orn-out it is!”

“It doesn’t matter,” ansered Albert Einstein. “No one knos here in Ne York.”

Several years later they t in Ne York again. Einstein had been a orld-famous physicist after then but he still ore the sa old overat.

Once more his friend persuaded him to buy a ne one.

“There is no need no,” said Einstein, “Everybody here has knon .”


1. Where did Albert Einstein t an old friend of his?


2. What did the friend ant him to buy?


3. Ho about Einstein’s overat?


4. Did Einstein still ear the sa old overat hen he beca a orld-famous physicist?


5. What did Einstein say hen the friend persuade once more him to buy a ne overat?



1. On a street in Ne York。所问的问题是“爱因斯坦在那儿遇见了他的老朋友?”根据One day the famous Arican scientist Albert Einstein t an old friend of his on a street in Ne York(一天,在纽约的一条街道上,著名美国科学家爱因斯坦遇见了他的一个老朋友)就能作出上述回答。

2. A ne overat。所问的问题是 “他的朋友让他买什么?” 根据“ it seems that you need to put on a ne overat. Look, ho orn-out it is!”(“你该穿一件新大衣了。看,你的大衣多么破呀!)就能作出上述回答。

3. Very old。所问的问题是 “爱因斯坦的大衣怎么样了?” 根据文章的标题就能作出上述回答。

4. Yes, he did。所问的问题是 “成名之后的爱因斯坦仍然穿同一件破大衣吗?” 根据Several years later they t in Ne York again. Einstein had been a orld-famous physicist after then but he still ore the sa old overat. (几年之后,他们再次在纽约相遇了,这时候的爱因斯坦已经成了世界著名的大科学家。然而,他仍然穿着那件破大衣)就能作出上述回答

5. There is no need no. Everybody here has knon 。所问的问题是 “当朋友再次劝爱因斯坦买一件新大衣时,他是怎么说的?” 根据“There is no need no,” said Einstein, “Everybody here has knon .”(爱因斯坦说:“没有必要了,这儿的人都知道我了)就能作出上述回答。

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