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2019中考初三英语作文:Information Age 信息时代

中考 2023-02-04 07:52中考时间www.ettschool.cn

It's the age of information no and information is very important in the society.e need verious of information to live a normal life.e need to kno the lastest nes ,listen to the eather forecast,learn about the nely published books and many other things e are interested in and ant to kno.

There are many ay of acquiring information,for example e can atch TV,listen to radio, read nespaper and magazines and go on line hich is to most popupar ,nvienent and effective ay no.

Living in such an age of information,hat should e to to face up to the challenge of it?I think e should try our best to learn as much knoledge as e can and try to master the ne techonology.

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