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中考 2023-02-04 07:52中考时间www.ettschool.cn


1. C2. A 3. B . C 5. C 6. A7. A 8. A 9. C10. B 11. B12. A 13. C 1. B 15. C 16. B17. A 18. B 19. B 20. D 21. C22. A 23. D 2. D 25. C 26. A27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. B32. A 33. C 3. C 35. B 36. A37. D 38. B 39. A 0. D 1. C 2. B 3. A . C 5. D 6. C7. B 8. A 9. D 50. A 51. D52. C 53. B 5. B 55. A 56. D57. C 58. D 59. B 60. A


一. 语言知识运用(2) 1. It’s ti for/ to have 2. Why not go (there) 3. There is sothing rong ith . to keep you aiting 5. He spent so much ti(in)playing puter gas that

二. 口语交际 6. may I speak to 7. Ho are you 8. Hold on 9. What’s your telephone number 10. Bye/See you

三. 阅读与表达 11. Yes. /Yes, they do. 12. Volleyball. 13. A cara lens. 1. They may get hurt. 15. Doctors can do operations more easily and patients can get ell more quickly.

四. 写作 (一)单句表达 16. Peter is an Arican boy. 17. He likes travelling. 18.He often goes to different untries. 19. He ill e to Beijing to atch the Olympic Gas in 2008.

(二)文段表达 20. One possible version: Hi Lucy, Nice to hear from you. Everyone has his favorite stars and there’s nothing rong ith that. I understand you. But I don’t think hat you do is right since you are a student. You’d better read more interesting books and have more sports in your free ti.

S riting to him and atching his films. You may also tell your problem to your parents and teachers. I’m sure they’ll help you. Running aay to Hollyood is a rong idea. Work hard on your lessons and get ready for the exams. Your future is in your hands. Yours, Li Ling


一. 听简短叙述,选择正确答案。 1. It’s a part of our body. Each person has got to of them. They are in our faces. People see the orld ith them. 2. It can take hundreds of passengers and travel very fast in the air. Before it flies, it has to run a long ay on the ground. 3. This is a really pretty girl. She has very short hair and ears a pair of glasses. She’s holding so books in her hand. . On the playground, to teams are having a match. One player has got the ball, and he’s trying to thro it into the basket.

二. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。 5. Girl: Do you usually go to school by bus? Boy: No, I don’t. I go to school by bike. Question: Ho does the boy usually go to school? 6. Man: Excuse , here’s the nearest bank, please? Woman: Go along this street, and turn left. You’ll see the bank next to the post office. Man: Thank you. Question: Where’s the man going?

7. Girl: Excuse , may I use your pen, Bob? Boy: Sorry, I only have a pencil. Question: What does Bob have? 8. Man: What’s the eather like today? Woman: It’s fine. But the TV says it’s going to be indy and rainy tomorro. Question: What’s the eather like today? 9. Woman: What ti is it no? Man: It’s nine fifteen. And hen ill the eting begin? Woman: At nine thirty. Question: When ill the eting begin? 10. Man: What’s your trouble, madam? Woman: I have a headache and feel terrible. Man: Open your mouth and say ;Ah;;. Woman: Ah;. Question: What does the man do?

三. 听对话和短文,根据对话和短文内容,选择正确答案。 现在请听一段对话,完成第11、12小题。 Shop assistant: Can I help you, sir? Man: Yes, I’m looking for a jacket. Shop assistant: What’s your size, please? Man: Size L. Shop assistant: What lor do you prefer? Man: I like bron. Shop assistant: Mm, I’m sorry e haven’t got any bron jackets in that size. Ho about a blue one or a black one? Man: May I try on a blue one? Shop assistant: Of urse. Man: Oh, it looks nice on . I’ll take it. Ho much is it? Shop assistant: 76 dollars. Man: OK. Here’s one hundred. Shop assistant: Thank you. Your change, please

现在请听一段短文,完成第13、1小题。 I’m Bill Smith. I ork in this university library, and today I’d like to tell you sothing about our library and sho you ho to use it. In the first room on our visit, you can find all kinds of dictionaries, guides and even telephone books. You may use these books only in this room itself. OK, let’s go to the next room. It’s a reading room. Different kinds of nespapers and magazines are kept here. You can alays get them by yourselves. But they mustn’t be taken out of this room. No, e are in the third room. In this room you can borro novels, storybooks and science books.

All the library’s books are listed here by title, by riter and by ic. When you are looking for a book, you must rite the book’s call number, title and riter on these pieces of paper and give them to the person ho orks here together ith your library card. You must return the book in to eeks. OK, that’s all. If you have any further questions about using the library, I’d be glad to help you. Thank you.

现在请听一段对话,完成第15、16、17小题。 Intervieer: Good morning. I’m Ted King. I kno both of you are interested in the job. I’d like you to talk about yourselves. First please tell sothing about your ork experience. Woman: My na’s Helen Bron. I’m married and I have 2 children and e just moved to ton because the schools here are good. I hope my children ill get a better education than I got. Our schools ere terrible. The classes ere huge and e never did anything interesting. Man: My na’s Jim Green.

I’m a part-ti student at Boxfield Community College, but I have also orked at a number of different part-ti jobs since I moved here. My most interesting job so far as at the llege library here I helped to nd puters. Intervieer: You kno, everybody has strong points and eak points. Would you please talk about your strong points? Woman: I’d say my strong point is that I’m good at getting to kno people. Many people don’t like eting ne people but I love it. I seem to be able to make people feel fortable right aay.

Maybe it’s because I really enjoy listening to them. Man: Well, I think I make friends very easily. When I et soone, I rember him and try to see him again later. At my last birthday party there ere more than 50 friends in my house. Intervieer: No please tell your eak points and hat you do about them. Woman: I enjoy talking to people and I kno that in the past I have spent too much ti on the telephone. No I atch the clock hile I’m making phone calls and I’ve cut my telephone ti in half. Man: I also have trouble getting off the telephone. I just enjoy talking ith my friends, but it takes a lot of ti. So days I spend hours on the phone.

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