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中考 2023-02-04 07:52中考时间www.ettschool.cn



  1.        能准确运用词汇和句型结构,较生动和详细地描述情境或叙述所给话题,能准确自如地表达态度和感情。

  2.        能用流畅的语言组织常见体裁的短文,逻辑清楚,结构完整,层次清晰,内容充实,问题恰当。

  3.        能在写作中恰当地引用资料,能用谚语、俗语等,能清楚地阐述自己的观点和评述他人的观点,具有一定的人文意识。




  03 年       To be a lovely Shanghainese (做一个可爱的上海人)

  04年          Leaving school (毕业时分)

  05年          Groing pains and gains (成长的烦恼与快乐)

  06年          I have a dream (我有一个梦想)

  07年          Things I hate to do (我不喜欢……)

  08年          Love around (我身边的爱)

  09年          I ant to do sothing for my school (我想为学校做点事)

  10年          I am proud of myself  (我为自己感到骄傲)


  1.        I ant to buy a present for every taught teacher.

  2.        School’s cleaning is everyone’s face. So our face must be cleaned every day.

  3.        I is very nfidence I can eat five chicken everyday.

  4.        Soti the playground are pieces of paper. So students look like no see.

  5.        I ant to clean the fans, the fans are tall, but I’m not short, so it’s easily.


  1.        句型单一

  2.        东拉西扯

  3.        时态错误

  4.        用词不当

  5.        结构松散

  6.        脱离主题

  7.        字迹潦草


  1.        学习写作的步骤和方法

  2.        学会套题的技巧和思路

  3.        用好题目的提示和问题

  4.        使用点睛之句和习语谚语

  5.        3+1的综合写作模式



  Water is one of the most important natural resources in the orld. Man can’t live ithout ater. But only 3% of the ater is fresh ater and 5% of the fresh ater is available in lakes and rivers. So e must save and protect ater resources. Fix any leaky tap and take a shorter shoer. Don’t let the tap run hen you brush your teeth. The less ater e aste or pollute, the more e’ll have for tomorro.

  Things I hate to do        我不喜欢……    (07中考作文)


  1.        What are the things you hate to do?

  2.        What do you hate doing most? Why? (Give at least to reasons)

  You can begin like this

  Most of the ti I do things that I enjoy. Hoever, there are still things I hate doing, such as …

  Things I hate to do

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