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中考 2023-02-04 07:52中考时间www.ettschool.cn


  1.        是非判断题

  2.        选择理解题

  3.        完形填空题

  4.        首字母填空

  5.        回答问题题


  1.        初读全文,抓住主题

  2.        精读细研,初填试选

  3.        瞻前顾后,反复推敲

  4.        复读全文,校对答案


  1.        The radio is too aloud. Please turn it don. (don, up)

  2.        Mike never astes any money. After all, any in does not e easily. (after all, in return)

  3.        You needn’t ait for him any longer. He has gone ho. (mustn’t , needn’t)

  4.        Great suess depends on hard ork. (leads to, depends on)

  5.        Since there eren’t enough rooms, my sister and I had to share a bedroom and a bed. (buy, share)

  6.        They ork hard in their jobs, but they like to play hard, too. (and, but)

  7.        I ork as a babysitter, and it’s been a lot of fun, I really enjoy it. (fun, pain)

  8.        I took so travel sickness pills, but these never seem to make feel better. (never, alays)


  一、  功能性填空

  介词、冠词、连词     (只有一个答案)

  e.g., He is going to buy a book and a pen.

  二、  语义性填空

  名词、形容词、副词、动词等实义词 (有几个答案,需要通过上下文理解)

  e.g., He is going to buy a book/ bag/bat.

  He is happy/ sad/ helpful/ angry/holess.

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