E。 主旨大意题。出题方法一般为hat is main idea or general idea of the passage? or hat is the passage mainly about? What is the riter’s or author’s purpose to rite the passage?如上文所述,外语文章逻辑关系多为归纳思维或演绎思维,所以一篇文章的重点都藏在开头段或结尾段中,甚至就在开头句和结尾句中。如若感觉两侧没有重点内容,那么就藏在文章中间最短的段落中,尤其是带转折句、疑问句或否定句的短段落之中,因为这种段落有承上启下的作用。还以上面那篇文章为例分析如上文,可以选出答案为C,既有性又有概括性,即为模糊性和科学性。A和D为此段文字中的只言片语,B将原文的意思放大和夸张。
The passage is mainly about _______。
A。 ays of being more intelligent
B。 differences beteen n and on
C。 studies on brains beteen to sexes
D。 studies on hite matter and grey matter
再如 Brendan’s best friend is Tip。 They teach each other things and they look after each other。 Tip has helped Brendan bee more responsible and more caring。 Brendan is a nine-year-old boy, and Tip is a ten-year old dog。 Brendan and Tip are an example of ho oning a dog can have a good effect on a child’s developnt。
请问这一段的主旨是什么?也可以出What’s the passage mainly about?的题。
A.Lessons children learn from a dog。
B.Advice on oning a dog for children。
C.The relationship beteen children and dogs。
D.The good effects on children of oning a dog。
分析此段文字为归纳思维,开篇举了一个实例引入主题 Brendan and Tip are an example of ho oning a dog can have a good effect on a child’s developnt。 所以答案为D。此时会有同学疑惑我读完整篇文章感觉A也像正确答案,但实际情况却非如此因为A答案与原文相比省略了一个词oning 或having ,这种答案叫偷梁换柱,考的就是细心人很不是过于相信自己能力的人。