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中考 2023-02-04 07:52中考时间www.ettschool.cn


  Thank you, uncil mber Chang. Council mber Wang, you have a very quick question right?


  Yeah, very quick question. Steve, can you give us estimate tiline on hen you plan to submit the plan and hen you‘re gonna do the ground breaking and hen e can see the ra building.


  Yeah, ell, I ask that question a lot of our people too. We anna submit plans fairly quickly.We anna break ground next year and e anna move in 2015.


  2014?Okay, alright, very good. Thank you so so much and e‘re really honored to have you to be here. I kno it‘s not easy to get you here. And I think that your technology is really making everybody proud and you‘re putting Cupertino in together ith Apple. No, e‘re really proud of it. 2015?


  Well, thanks. We‘re proud to be in Cupertino too.

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