Cupertino is very famous for Apple Computer. And e are very honor to have Steve Jobs to e here tonight to give us special presentation. Mr. Jobs?
Wele, Mr Jobs: you have a fan club here..
Thank you. Apple‘s gron like a eed, and as you kno, e‘ve alays been in Cupertino. Started in an office par, eventually, got the buildings, e are in no the rner of the ends of 280.and those buildings hold maybe 2600 or 2800 people. But e‘ve got almost 12,000 people in the area. So e‘re renting buildings - not very good buildings, either at an ever-greater radius from our campus and e‘re putting people in those. It is clear that e need to build ne campus, so e just add space. That doesn‘t an e don‘t need the one e got, e do need it, but e need another one to augnt it. So e‘ve got a plan that let‘s us stay in Cupertino. And e ent out and e bought so land and this land is kind of special, to . When I as 13, I think, I called up... Helett and Packard ere my idols. And I called up Bill Helett, cause he lived in Palo Alto, and there ere no unlisted numbers in the phone book, hich gives you a clue to my age. And he picked up the phone and I talked to him and I asked him if he‘d give so spare parts for sothing I as building called a frequency unter. And he did, but in addition to that he gave sothing ay more important. He gave a job that sumr. A sumr job at Helett-Packard, right here (on) in Santa Clara, off 280, the division that built frequency unters. And I as in heaven. Well, right around that exact mont in ti, Helett and Packard themselves ere alking on so property over here in Cupertino, in Pruneridge, and they ended up buying it. And they built their puter systems division there. And as Helett - Packard has been shrinking lately, they decided to sell that property and e bought it. We bought that and e bought so adjacent property that all used to be aprit trees, aprit orchards and e‘ve got about 150 acres. And e should like to put a ne campus on that so that e can stay in Cupertino. And e‘ve e up - e‘ve hired so great architects to ork ith, so of the best in the orld, I think. And e‘ve e up ith a design that puts 12,000 people in one building. Think about that, that‘‘s rather odd 12,000 people in a building, in one building. But, e‘ve seen these office parks ith lots of building and they get pretty boring pretty fast. So e‘d like to do sothing better than that. And I‘d like to take you through hat e like to do. So this is supposed to ork here. Here e go. Can you see this? So here is e are today, hich is on Infinite Loop drive, against the intersection of D‘ Anza and the 280.