56. Paul: I don't think I can talk fluently because it's difficult for to rember all the ords.
57. Billy: When I e face to face ith the audience, here should my eyes fall upon? Do I have to look front, or look around from ti to ti?
58. Amy: When I am talking, I can't help aving my hands, for I think it can help express h at I ant to say better. But my classmates say I look funny and foolish by doing this.
59. Betty: I kno that it's not right to speak fast. But I am afraid that I can't finish my talk in the stated ti if I speak sloly.
60. Tony: Ho can I municate ith my audience in a betty ay?
A. Looking at and talking to one person in the audience helps keep you natural, but it feels foolish talking to only one person. Speak to that person as long as 15 send and then change another one.
B. T he audience have a hard ti to understand hat they hear. They need your help. Slo don, pause and guide the audience through your talk. Rember that you should help the audience understand hat you are saying.
C. When you talk, try to be as natural as possible. Don't try to morize you ords and read or recite them to your audience. You can use brief notes to remind you of the important points.
D. You should kno you and most of the people you talk to are different in many ays. So of them may not be familiar ith hat you are talking aobut. Then speak to them on their terms and in their languages.
E. Conce ntrate on hat you ant to say. If you are alays paying attention to gestures, you ill feel unfortable.
F. Pitch you voice slightly loer than norma. Listeners tend to associate fredibility ith a relatively deep voice.