Share flat
Nice flat .The other room ready for imdiate use , quiet and nvenient , fully furnished (家具齐全), park vie .
$45 per eek including bills of phone and poer. Female, non-smoker .No pet.
Helen, 25760435 or 24760454
Armchairs, a set of 4 red / bron, $160;
A ffee table, black, fine ood, $20;
An oil painting , by a modern artist , sailing boat in the rain , $150;
A Turkish carpet, dark blue, $320;
A fridge, big, double doors, $350;
Old books, $10, each.
Tel: eekday: 572220614;
Weekend: 572225117
Part-ti Laboratory Assistant Wanted
Needed by busy electronics pany to help ith the developnt of a puter .Should have an electronics BC degree or above and practical experience.
Ti: 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm Mon. - Thur .
Pay dependent on education and experience.
Letters of application (申请信) to William Coles ,Noa Electronics ,31-32 ,Woodfone RD,Depletton .
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