After a serious earthquake happened, a father left his ife safely at ho and rushed to his son's school, only to find that the building here his son studied had llapsed and looked like a pancake.
He as shocked. He didn't kno hat he should do for a hile, then he rembered the ords he had said to his son, "No matter hat happens, I'll alays be there for you! "And tears began to fill his eyes. He started digging through the ruins (废墟).
As he as digging, other helpless parents and the firen arrived and tried to pull him off the ruins, saying, "It's too late! They're all dead! There's nothing you can do! " To them he replied ith one line, "Are you going to help no? " And then he kept on digging.
No one helped, hoever. He ent on alone because he needed to kno for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead? " He dug for eight hours. . . 12 hours. . . 24 hours. . . 36 hours. . . then, in the 39th hour, he pulled back a rock and heard his son's ords. He shouted his son's na, "ARMAND! " He heard back, "Dad!?! It's , Dad! I told the other kids not to orry. I told them that if you ere alive, you'd save and hen you saved , they'd be saved. You promised, 'No matter hat happens, I'll alays be there for you!' You did it, Dad! "
"What's going on in there? Ho is it? " the father asked.
"There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We're frightened, hungry, thirsty and thankful you're here. When t he building fell don, it made a triangle (三角) , and it saved us. "
"Co out, boy! "
"No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, because I kno you'll get ! No matter hat happens, I kno you'll alays be there for ! "