
教育新闻 2025-01-14 09:55学习方法网www.ettschool.cn


1. 迎来五周年的美好时刻:5th wedding anniversary或the fifth wedding anniversary。

2. 结婚五周年也有着特殊的名称“木婚”。象征着夫妻间爱情的稳固与成长,如同树木一样坚韧不拔,代表着家庭生活的稳固与未来的希望。


纪念日的英文表达有多种说法,如“day of commemoration”,“memorial day”等。生活中我们可以这样运用:

1. 下周一是我与你初遇的美好纪念日:Next Monday marks the anniversary of our first encounter.

2. 酒店店主为常客庆祝银婚纪念日:On the other day, the pub landlord's silver wedding anniversary arrived, and he treated all regular customers to a free drink as a token of celebration.


结婚五周年的英文缩写为:5th. anni.(或者简单地使用5A表示)。这代表着夫妻间共同走过的五个年头,期间彼此包容、相互理解,感情愈发稳固。


1. 二十年风华,期待再次聚首:Looking forward to our 20th reunion, where we will all have achieved something remarkable.

2. 在岁月的长河中,母校历经风雨,培育了一代又一代学子。我们深感感激,并密切关注着母校的发展:Amidst the flow of time, our alma mater has weathered the storms and fostered generations of students. We are deeply grateful and closely following its development.

3. 愿母校前程似锦,我们永远是您最真挚的祝福:Wishing our alma mater a bright future, and may we always be your sincerest blessings.

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