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1. 目的状语从句实例:他离家出走,历经艰辛,腰缠万贯而归。英文翻译:He left home as a beggar, but returned as a millionaire with the purpose of fulfilling his dreams.


2. 这小孩每天去上学,伴随着他的,是那条忠实的小狗。英文翻译:The child goes to school every day, accompanied by his loyal dog.

3. 疑问句转化为陈述句:你怎能穿着破旧的衣服去参加婚宴?英文翻译:How can you attend the wedding party in rags?

克鲁索带着恐惧的心情回到了家。英文翻译:Cruso returned home with a sense of fear.

4. 虽然这场比赛很困难,但却很有趣。英文翻译:Although this match is difficult, it is very interesting.

接下来探讨独立主格结构的使用,通过形容词生动描述某种情境。例如:“他曾两度出任这个国家的总理,但在离世时却是一个平民。”描绘了他的跌宕起伏的一生。英文翻译:He had served as the prime minister of the country twice, but ended his life as a civilian.

5. 当每个人伸出援手时,播种工作得以按时完成。英文翻译:Every one lent a hand, so that the sowing was done in time.

她用目光向下以避免看见他的眼睛。英文翻译:She looked down so that she should not see his eyes.

定语从句修饰名词,而状语则用来描述动作的各种情境。这两者不能混为一谈。今天的年轻人普遍觉得他们的境况比我们过去要好。英文翻译:The youth today are better off than we used to be.


6. 这女孩眼含泪水回到了母亲的身边。英文翻译:The girl returned to her mother with tears in her eyes.

这场激动人心的比赛将会进行实况转播。英文翻译:The match will be broadcast live.

小女孩们在雪地里玩耍,手都冻红了。英文翻译:The little girls were playing with snow, with their hands frozen red.

用复合结构描述这一场景,例如:“这条狗跟着主人进了屋。”英文翻译:The dog, following its master, entered the room.

他在钓鱼的时候,我在画画。英文翻译:While he was fishing, I was painting.

使用分词形式描述连贯的动作:“当我在理解你的意思时,我却无法同意。”英文翻译:While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.

他曾两度担任这个国家的总理,最终却以平民的身份离世。英文翻译:He had served as the prime minister of the country twice, but died as an ordinary civilian.

如果天气寒冷,最好多穿些衣服。英文翻译:Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.

目的状语从句通常用于补充说明主句中动作的目的。例如:“她少小离家老大回。”英文翻译:He left home at a young age and returned after becoming an adult with the purpose of finding his roots.

39. 她非常努力,以确保一切都能在五点前准备就绪。

40. 每天,小男孩去上学时,都有一只小狗陪伴着他。

41. 你必须大声说话,以便所有人都能听到你的声音。

42. 克鲁索带着满心的恐惧回到了家。

43. 主人走进房间,后面跟着他的狗。

44. 我气喘吁吁地回到家。

45. 他年轻时离家,年老时归来。

46. 以“I will not go shopping, because it is raining”为例,这句话是一个原因状语从句。翻译为:“因为天下着雨,所以我不能去购物了。”

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