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1. Life's journey cuts but a short path, making every moment precious.

2. Full bottles remain silent, while half-empty ones clamor loudly.

3. (By William Shakespeare, the English dramatist) Life is brief; a life wasted is too long.

4. It's better to be a wise fool than a foolish wit. - Shakespeare

5. Delay brings no abundance; come and embrace me, young and sweet, for youth's beauty is fleeting.

6. Preferring the wise fool to the foolish show-off.

7. Some women are all style without substance, like a golden ring on a pig's nose!

8. Life is brief; waste it not, or else that brief life will seem endless.

9. (By Tagore) It's "possible" to ask if it's "impossible" to live anywhere, but "impossible" to answer that in a dreamworld of helplessness!

10. Don't tarnish the purity of the lily.

11. Leave the百合unadulterated; don't add unnecessary embellishments.

12. Shakespeare believed: We may steer our own destiny. If we are at the mercy of others, the fault lies not in fate, but in ourselves!

13. Again, life's journey is brief; squandering it makes that brief life seem endless.

14. Longevity belongs to the open-minded.

15. Women, the stage for men, always standing outside the spotlight and applause.

16. A light heart ensures a long life. (William Shakespeare)

17. The poor often have their own pitfalls.

18. Life is fleeting; waste it not, as Shakespeare, the English dramatist warned.

19. Delay doesn't yield abundance; come and embrace me, at your youth's peak.

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21. Pride often leads one to destruction within their own ego.

22. Love is harder to conceal than the crime of murder; its dark nights are illuminated by the midday sun. (Shakespeare)

23. Don't abandon your goals because of one failure.

24. The road to true love is never smooth.

25. Youth's beauty fades quickly, like William Shakespeare’s dramas (the English dramatist).

26. Shakespeare pondered: To be or not to be? That is the question.

27. Empty vessels make the most noise.

28. When dizzy with life’s whirlwind, embrace your sorrow; let others’ sadness offer healing (Dizzy when must revolve).


32. 真挚的爱情之旅从未一帆风顺。

33. 时光荏苒,青春短暂,美丽如花的少女,请前来拥抱我,青春如同转瞬即逝的繁花在风中凋零。

3. 满瓶的水静默无声,半瓶的水却响声如雷。(莎士比亚)

34. 比恋爱更难隐藏;恋爱如同白昼的阳光,而奸恶如同夜晚的阴影。(莎士比亚)

35. 不要给纯洁的事物添加不必要的装饰,以免画蛇添足。(莎士比亚)

36. 真诚的爱情之路总是坎坷不平。(莎士比亚)

37. 轻快的心情可保长久。(莎士比亚)


39. 时间不等人,青春易逝,如花似玉的年纪,愿你深情一吻。岁月无情,青春如枯杨凋零。

40. 不要与意志坚定的人争论,因为他们有能力改变现实。(莎士比亚)

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