
教育新闻 2023-01-11 16:15学习方法网www.ettschool.cn
    Ukraine insists on territorial integrity as talks loom
LVIV, Ukraine, March 28 (Reuters) - With peace talks beteen Russia and Ukraine set to take place in Turkey this eek, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy insisted on the territorial integrity of his untry after earlier suggesting he as ready for a promise.
Zelenskiy said in his video address to the Ukrainian people late on Sunday that in talks due to take place in Istanbul his governnt ould prioritise the "territorial integrity" of Ukraine.
泽连斯基在周日晚些时候向乌克兰人民发表的视频讲话中说,在即将于伊斯坦布尔举行的会谈中,他的政府将优先考虑乌克兰的 "领土完整"。
But in nts made to Russian journalists earlier in the day Zelenskiy adopted a different tone, saying Ukraine as illing to assu neutral status and promise over the status of the eastern Donbas region as part of a peace deal.
In the video call that the Kremlin pre-emptively arned Russian dia not to report, Zelenskiy said any agreent must be guaranteed by third parties and put to a referendum.
"Security guarantees and neutrality, non-nuclear status of our state. We are ready to go for it," he added, speaking in Russian.
Even ith talks looming, Ukraine's head of military intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, said Russian President Vladimir Putin as aiming to seize the eastern part of Ukraine.
即使谈判迫在眉睫,乌克兰军事情报负责人Kyrylo Budanov表示,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京的目的是夺取乌克兰东部地区。
"In fact, it is an attempt to create North and South Korea in Ukraine," he said, referring to the division of Korea after World War To. Zelenskiy has urged the West to give Ukraine tanks, planes and missiles to help fend off Russian forces.

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