
小学作文 2023-01-25 20:41五年级作文www.ettschool.cn



  Yesterday, e ent to Berkeley first, then to the inery。 When I got to the inery, I picked a bunch of grapes。 When I got to the inery, I ent to the castle。 My son sa to ghosts and 20 pumpkin ghosts。 It as so funny。 I dre pictures in the innermost place, ate a French fries, drank half a cup of straberry juice, and sent another bottle of straberry juice。 My mother told that the straberry juice I sent had stra, and my mother told that I uldn't Drink ith a stra, go to the bathroom and e ill go ho。 On the ay ho, I sa the burning cloud。 When I arrived at Dahua, I bought a lot of vegetables and ent back to our ho at 3380。

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