1、"You're the spawn of a bitch!" - 养的!
2、"Who's the mastermind behind this?" - 这是谁说的?
3、"How dare you utter such words?" - 你怎么可以这样说?
4、"You're like a little monkey, sitting on pins and needles!" - 你就像个小猴子,如坐针毡啊!
5、"You've gone too far this time!" - 你太过分了!
6、"Stop screwing around or fooling yourself!" - 别再鬼混了!
7、"What does this nonsense mean?" - 这是什么意思?
8、"You, a monkey indeed." - 你真是一只猴子。
9、"Short and snarky, you're a monkey." - (暗讽)你就像只猴子。
10、"English curses are all about being as effeminate as possible. The highest form is using gre words like euphemism." - 英语骂人就是怎么矫情怎么娘们怎么来。
11、"Your monkey business is showing." - 你的猴子本性暴露了。
12、"You behave like a monkey." - 你的行为像猴子。
13、"Dad: What's up? You seem like a little monkey, restless." - 爸爸:怎么了?你就像个小猴子,坐立不安。
14、"You are as clumsy as a monkey." - 你就像只笨拙的猴子。
16、"I detest you!" - 我讨厌你!
17、"Are you out of your mind? You're crazy!" - 你疯了吗?
18、"Get the hell out of here!" - 滚开!
19、"Who do you think you are? You're not the boss of me." - 你以为你是谁?你并不是我的上司。
20、"What did you just say? I can't believe your mouth." - 你说什么?我不敢相信你的嘴巴。
21、"Mind your own business or keep it to yourself." - 管好你自己的事。
22、"You're nothing but a good-for-nothing scoundrel!" - 你只是一个废物!
23、"I cannot stand you! You're beneath me." - 我无法忍受你!你简直让我无法入眼。
24、"You're like a little monkey, pacing back and forth." - 你像个小猴子一样焦躁不安。 (中间部分省略了部分重复句子) 25、"I am sick of you!" - 我对你感到厌烦! (后面的部分保持原样) 下面是一些双语例句,用于表达不满或冲突的情况: "What are you thinking? You're out of your mind!" "你以为自己在想什么?你疯了!" "What's wrong with you? Can't you behave normally?" "你怎么了?不能表现正常吗?" "Can't you do anything right? You're always causing trouble." "你做什么都不对,总是惹麻烦。" 这些英文骂人短句虽然生动,但在实际使用时请务必谨慎,避免在正式场合或与他人发生冲突时使用,以免引发不必要的争执和冲突。",在使用时请务必注意语境和对象,避免不必要的误会和冲突。