韩国的“学院”(韩语称“学院”,英语名称一般使用Institute 或College )主要是由社会力量创办的非学历教育机构。
Ajou University
Andong National University
Anyang University
Asia United Theological University
Busan National University of Education
Busan Presbyterian Theological College & Seminary
Calvin University
Catholic University of Daegu
Catholic University of Pusan
Changon Nationao University
Cheju National University
Cheju National University of Education
Chinju National University of Education
Chodang University
Chonan University
Chonbuk National University
Chonbuk National University of Education
Chongju University
Chongshin University
Chonnam National University
Chosun University
Chugye University for Arts
Chunchen National University of Education
Chung-Ang University
Chungbuk National University
Chungju National University
Chungnam National University
Chungoon University
College of Medicine,Pochon Cha University
Daebul University
Daegu National University of Education
Daegu University
Daejeon University
Dae Jin University
Dan Kook University
Dong-A University
Dongduk Won’s University
Dong-eui University
Dongguk University
Donghae University
Dongseo University
Dongshin University
Dongyang University
Duksung Won’s University
Eulji University Sol of Medicine
Eha Womans University
Far East University
Gachon Medical Shool
Gongju National University of Education
Gyeongsang National University
Halla University
Hallym University
Hanbat National University
Handong University
Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Hankuk Aviation University
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Hankyong National University
Hanl Yo University
Han Nam University
Hansei University
Hanseo University
Hansung University
Hanyang University
Hanyoung Theological University
Honam Theological University & Seminary
Honam University
Hongik University
Hoseo University
Hoon University
Hyupsung University
Inchon Catholic University
Inchon National University of Education
Information and Communication University
Inha University
Inje University
Jeonju National University of Education
Jeonju University
Jinju National University of Industry
Joongbu University
Jungang Seunggha University
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Kangnam University
Kangnung National University
Kangon National University
Kaya University
Keimyung University
Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social-elfare
Kongju National University
Konkuk University
Konyang University
Kookmin University
Korea Baptist Theological College& Seminary
Korea Mariti University
.Korea National Open University
Korea National University of Education
Korea Nazarine University
Korea Polytechnic University
Korea University
Korea University of Technology and Education
Korea Bible University
Korea National University of Physical Education
Kosin University
Kumoh National University of Technology
Kunsan National University
Kandong University
Kangju Catholic University
Kangju National University of Education
Kangju University
Kangju Won’s University
Kangshin University
Kangoon University
Kyonggi University
Kyongju University
Kyungdong University
Kyung Hee University
Kyungil University
Kyungnam University
Kyungpook National University
Kyungsan University
Kyungsung University
Kyungon University
Kyungoon University
Luther Theological University
Methodist Theological Seminary
Miryng National University
Mokpo Catholic University
Mokpo National Mariti University
Mokpo National University
Mokon University
Myong Ji University
Myungsin University
Nambu University
Namseoul University
Pai Chai University
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Presbyterian Collegeand Theological Seminary
Pukyong National University
Pusan National University
Pusan University of Foreign Studies
Pyongtaek University
Sahmyook University
Samchok National University
Sangji University
Sangju National University
Sangmyung University
Sejong University
Semyung University
Seokyeong University
Seonam University
Seoul Christian University
Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary
Seoul National University
Seoul National University of Education
Seoul National University of Technology
Seoul Theological University
Seoul Woman’s University
Seoon University
Silla University
Sogang University
Sookmyung Won’s University
Soonchunhyang University
Soong Sil University
Sunchon National University
Sungkonghoe University
Sung Kyul University
Sung Kyun Kan University
Sungshin Won’s University
Sunmoon University
Sunon Catholic University
Taegu Arts University
Taejon Catholic University
Taeshin Christian University
Tamna University
The Catholic University of Korea
The University of Seoul
The University of Suon
Tongmyong University of Information Technology
Uiduk University
University of Inchon
University of Ulsan
Wonkang University
Woosong University
Woosuk University
Yeungnam University
Yeon University
Yongin University
Yonsei University
Yosu National University
Youngdong University
Youngnam Theological College& Seminary
Youngsan University
Youngsan Won-Buddhist University
Berea University of Graduate Studies
Daehan Theological Seminary
Gospel Theological Seminary
Hapdong Theological Seminary
Information and Communication University
International Design School For Advanced Studies
Jungang Graduate School of Theology
KDI School of International Policy and Managent
Kukje Theological University and Seminary
Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology
Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology
Sungsan Hyodo University of Graduate Studies
Seoul Sports Graduate School
Transnational La & Business University
Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology
Westminster Graduate School of Theology
Won Buddhism Graduate School
Yeail Thological Seminary
Agricultural Cooperative College
Ajou Motor College
Andong Science College
Ansan College
Ansan College of Technology
Anyang Technical College
Baekseok College of Cultural Studies
Baeha Won‘s College
Bucheon College
Busan Arts llege
Busan College of Information Technology
Busan Kyeongsang College
Byuksung College
Catholic Sangji College
Ceonju Kijeon Won’s College
Changshin College
Changon College
Cheju Halla College
Cheju Tourism College
Cheonan Yonam College
Cheongyang College
Choonhae College
Chosun College of Science & Technology
Chosun Nursing College
Christian College of Nursing
Songgok College
Chung Cheong College
Chungbuk provincial College of Science & Technology
Chungkang College of Cultural Industries
Chunnam Techno College
Daedong College
Daeduk College
Daegu Health College
Daegu Mirae College
Daegu Polytechnic llege
Daegu Technical llege
Daejeon Health Science College
Daekyeung College
Daelim College
Daeon Science llege
Dong Seoul College
Dong-A College
Dong-Ah Broadcasting College
Dong-Eui Institute of Technology
Dongju College
Dongkang College
Dongnam Health College
Dong-Pusan College
Dong-U College
Dongyang Technical College
Dooon Technical College
Geochang Provincial College
Gimcheon College
Gimhae College
Gumi College
Gang Yang Health College
Gyeongdo Provincial College
Hallym College
Han Yeong College
Hanyang Won‘s College
Hyechon College
Hyejeon College
Iksan National llege
Incheon City College
Induk Institute of Technology
Inha Technical College
Jaeneung College
Jangan College
Jeju College of Technology
Jeonbuk Science College
Jeonju Vision College
Jeonnam Provincial Collage of Namdo
Jinju Health College
Juseong College
Kang Neung Yeong Dong College
Kangon Provincial College
Kangon Tourism College
Kayon School of Art And Design
Keimyung College
Keukdong College
Kimcheon Science College
Kimpo College
Koje College
Kongju Communication Arts College
Korea National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare
Korea National Railroad College
Korea Tourism College
Kunjang College
Kunsan College of Nursing
Kangju Health College
Kyongbuk College of Science
Kyonggi Institute Technology
Kyungbok College
Kyungbuk College
Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno College
Kyungdong College of Techno-Information
Kyungin Won’s College
Kyungmin College
Kyungmoon College
Kyungnam College of Information & Technology
Kyungon College
Masan College
Mokpo Science College
Munkyung College
Myongji College
Naju College
Namhae College
National Medical Center College of Nursing
Osan College
Paekche Arts College
Pohang College
Pusan Won‘s College
Red Cross College of Nursing
Saekyung College
Sahmyook Nursing & Health College
Sangji Youngseo College
Seoil College
Seojeong College
Seokang College
Seoul Health College
Seoul Institute of the Arts
Seoul Won’s College of Nursing
Shin Heung College
Shingu College
Shinsung College
Sohae College
Songho College
Songon College
Soong Eui Won‘s College
Sorabol College
Suncheon Cheongam College
Sunchon First College
Sungduk College
Sungha College
Sunlin College
Suon Science College
Suon Won’s College
Taegu Science College
Tongon College
Ulsan College
Wonju National College
Wonkang Health Science College
Woongji Acunting & Tax College
Woosong Information College
Woosong Technical College
Yangsan College
Yeojoo Institute of Technology
Yeungjin College
Yeungnam College of Science & Technology
Yonam Institute of Digtal Technology
Yongin Songdam College
Yuhan College
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