(3)申请获批后,ICA向学生出具In-Principle Approval(IPA)Letter;
The List of IHL Includes:
Local Universities
National University of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore Managent University
Singapore Institute of Technology
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Local Polytechnics
Nanyang Polytechnic
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Republic Polytechnic
Singapore Polytechnic
Temasek Polytechnic
Offshore Institutes ith Local Campuses
Ele Superieure Des Sciences Enomiques Et Comrciales (ESSEC)
Insead (Singapore)
NYU Tisch School of the Arts
S.P. Jain Centre of Managent Singapore
University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Singapore)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Singapore
Digipen Institute of Technology
German Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
登陆 Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore ,并切换到 student’s pass 界面;
点 e-Services 里面的 SOLAR (For Polytechnics & Universities)。
进入后点 Student 选择学生通道。
点击填写e-Form 16,填写信息界面,先看里面的信息,的必填。
填写后点 Submit,然后上传照片即可。
关掉浏览器,按照第 4 步重新登录,点击刚才所提到的第四项付款即可。
,查看状态和打印 e-Form16 就搞定啦!
换取Student’s Pass
学生凭借IPA Letter入境新加坡后,需将临时签证换成有效的多次入境签证。为了方便学生,提供工作效率,ICA会在某些学校(如NUS)的注册时间内到学校去,学生直接在学校向ICA官员提交相关材料。
如果在注册时间材料不完整,或者ICA没有到自己所就读的学校,则需上网预约,在预约时间内到ICA大楼办理换取Student’s Pass。
登陆 Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore, 点击进入到到 Booking of Appointnt 界面。
在下拉栏里选择Completion of Student’s Pass Formalities,填写相应信息进行预约。
· Serialized appointnt letter 预约单
· A py of the In-Principle Approval Letter;
· Original Passport ith a py of the passport particulars page;
· The Disembarkation/Embarkation card (IMM 27) of the student, granted on entry into Singapore. If the student is currently residing in Singapore on other Long Term Pass, he/she is required to bring along this pass; 入境卡(俗称白卡)
· The print-out of e-Form 16 submitted through SOLAR (duly signed by the applicant);
· A dical report in a prescribed ICA format, X-ray and HIV report (must be ritten in English and endorsed by the revieing doctor). The laboratory reports must not be more than three months from the date of issue. Students are enuraged to do their dical report in their ho untry and bring it to Singapore for submission. The dical report is only required for studies of more 6 months;
· ICA Medical Form、X光及HIV报告原件;报告的日期必须是三个月以内。体检其实可在国内做,也可以在注册期间在学校做体检。
· One recent lour passport-sized photo shoing full face (taken on hite background); 一张近期白底护照照片
· Copy of the receipt for paynt for the Student‘s Pass; 缴费收据($30+$90)
· To signed pies of the Terms and Conditions of Issue for Long Term Pass (LTP) card
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