
出国留学 2023-01-08 15:24英国留学www.ettschool.cn


  第一大变化 澳洲留学签证降低要求,初中留学对华放开,高二毕业就可以读TAFE



  -   担保要求降低风险等级架构变更后,担保金要求也从定期存款6个月覆盖24个月学费生活费降低为存款3个月只要覆盖12个月的担保金。

  -  小学6年级毕业就可申请澳洲的学生签证(571类),入读7年级(初一),而此前需要初中毕业才可申请留学10年级(相当于高一)。移民局指出孩子如果上9年级必须小于17周岁, 8年级必须小于16周岁,7年级必须小于15周岁。


  - 中学生完成11年级高二即可申请澳洲的技术专修课程(572类),此前需要中学12年级毕业才可申请。

  - 申请技能专修课程(572类)签证,配语言课程的最低雅思要求下调为均分4.5,而此前要求均分5.0才可以。语言课程的允许长度增加到30周


  Schedule 5A requirents of AL 3 for subclass 571, an applicant ho is proposing to undertake:

  Year 9, should be less than 17 hen ncing Year 9

  Year 10, should be less than 18 hen ncing Year 10

  Year 11, should be less than 19 hen ncing Year 11 and

  Year 12, should be less than 20 hen ncing Year 12.

  For studies at the Year 8 level or belo:

  AL 3 Schools Sector applicants must provide evidence (under 571.231), that they are of an appropriate age for their entry level to their principal urse. This is to ensure students at the year 8 level or loer ill et the age requirents above if they progress to years 9-12 - see section 89 Schools Sector - Schedule 2 requirents

  AL 4 and 5 applicants must not undertake studies at the year 8 level or loer unless they are a sendary exchange student (as per 5A303(2) and 5A306(2)).





  Visas affected by PIC 4020

  If you have applied for any of the folloing visas, you must satisfy PIC 4020:

  skilled migration


  temporary visas

  student visas

  family visas.

  From 22 March 2014, ne provisions ill be added to the current PIC 4020. As part of this ne requirent you must satisfy us of your identity to be granted a visa.

  This requirent is not subject to a aiver. If you are refused a visa because you do not et PIC 4020 on identity grounds, another visa that includes PIC 4020 as part of the critieria ill not be granted to you for a period of 10 years after refusal.

  This ans if e are not satisfied of your identity:

  your visa might be refused; and

  if it is refused on that basis, you cannot be granted another visa (here that visa includes PIC 4020 as part of the criteria) for 10 years

  From 22/03/2014 the Migration Regulations ere anded by Schedule 1 of SLI 2014:

  1. to introduce a ne requirent into Public Interest Criteria (PIC) 4020  - clause 4020(2A) - for any visa hich requires the applicant to et PIC 4020, the applicant is required to satisfy the Minister as to their identity

  2. to introduce a ne requirent into PIC 4020 - clause 4020(2B) - for any visa hich requires the applicant to et PIC 4020, the Minister must be satisfied that the applicant or a mber of the family unit of the applicant has not been refused a visa in the 10 year period before the ti of application due to failing to satisfy the Minister as to their identity.

  The 10 year period applies to refusals made under the ne identity requirents, not to refusals made under clauses 4020 (1) and (2).The 10 year period operates ncurrently, not cumulatively, ith a send 10 period under clause 4020(2B), or ith the 3 year ti period under clause 4020(2).

  Unlike the Minister’s ability to aive the requirents of clauses 4020(1) and (2), the Minister does not have the ability to aive the ne identity related requirents.The purpose of this andnt is to strengthen the integrity of the migration program and to deter identity fraud by introducing strict nsequences here a visa is refused because the applicant, or a mber of their family unit, failed to satisfy the Minister as to their identity.





  From 22/03/2014, Schedule 2 of the Migration Regulations as anded to repeal the visa criterion relating to ‘substantial pliance’.  This criterion as removed to provide decision makers ith the discretion to take into acunt exceptional circumstances that may have led to a Student visa holder unintentionally breaching a ndition of their Student visa.  Exceptional circumstances may include upheaval in the student’s ho untry, illness or bereavent.



  From 22/03/2014, the Migration Regulations ere anded to increase the visa application charge for Contributory Parent (Migrant) (Class CA) visa and Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) (Class DG) visa to the limit prescribed by the Migration (Visa Application) Charge Act 1997.  The andnts also rrect technical errors in these provisions.

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