
出国留学 2023-01-06 18:33英国留学www.ettschool.cn


  H-1B是美国签证的一种,指特殊专业人员/临时工作签证Specialty Oupations/ Temporary Worker Visas (H-1B)。H1B签证系美国最主要的工作签证类别,发放给美国公司雇佣的外国籍有专业技能的员工,属于非移民签证的一种。持有H1B签证者可以在美国工作三年,然后可以再延长三年,6年期满后如果签证持有者的身份还没有转化,就必须离开美国。

  Many international students and scholars in the U.S. hope to find employnt in the U.S. that ill allo them to gain the skills needed to secure permanent ork (in the U.S. or abroad). For most graduates, the H-1B nonimmigrant category is a natural progression because many ill graduate ith at least a bachelor’s degree or have already earned an equivalent degree from their native untry.

  许多美国的国际学生和学者希望能在美国找到工作,这将使他们学到很多技能,这些技能会帮助他们找到一个“铁饭碗”(在美国或国外)。 对于大多数毕业生来说,H-1B非移民签证类别是一个很自然的过程,因为许多人毕业至少已经获得学士学位或已经从他们的祖国获得同等学位。


  What is a “Specialty Category?”


  Acrding to U.S regulations, a specialty oupation is one that requires the application of highly specialized knoledge. As a minimum for entry, such oupations require a bachelor’s degree or higher (or its equivalent) in a specific specialty. The ords “in a specific specialty” have been added in recent years by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) interpretation of the H-1B classification.

  根据美国的规定,特殊专业人员是指需要应用高度专业化知识的职业人群。 作为入门的最低要求,此类职业需要具有特定专业的学士学位或更高(或同等学历)。 近年来,美国公民和移民服务局(USCIS)对H-1B分类的解释增加了“特定专业”一词。

  To be a specialty oupation, the job must et one of the folloing requirents:

  Bachelor’s or higher degree or its equivalent is normally the minimum entry requirent for the position;

  The degree requirent for the job is mon to the industry or the job is so plex or unique that it can be perford only by an individual ith a degree;

  The employer normally requires a degree or its equivalent for the position;

  The nature of the specific duties is so specialized and plex that the knoledge required to perform the duties is usually associated ith the attainnt of a bachelor’s or higher degree.





  For many years, USCIS, the benefit division of the U.S. Departnt of Holand Security, had aepted that the specialty oupation requirent for an H-1B uld be satisfied as long as the duties for the position require the knoledge of soone ith a bachelor’s or higher degree, or its equivalent. Students ith a degree that as not directly related or only slightly related to the job description used to be able to qualify for the H-1B.


  In the past fe years, USCIS has changed its interpretation of the H-1B regulations by adding the ording “in a specific specialty” to the requirent. No, an employer not only needs to sho that they need soone ith at least a bachelor’s degree or higher, or its equivalent to do the job, it also needs to sho that the degree requirent for the job is in a specific specialty related to the duties or position. For so H-1B cases, USCIS is looking for an industry or normal standard that a job requires a single degree.


  This ne hurdle has created issues for employers looking to fill positions that need perspectives from many different specialty fields. Through this ne interpretation, USCIS has narroed each professional position to a single or limited number of educational fields. Even ith employers ho are illing to go through the challenging process of filing for the H-1B, it has bee more difficult to get to the endpoint: an H-1B approval.



  Ho to Make a Good Case for an H-1B Classification


  With USCIS being more and more restrictive in its revie of cases, it is a good idea to speak ith a knoledgeable immigration attorney during your studies to familiarize yourself ith the detailed requirents for the H-1B. If you have a illing employer ho ants to ork ith you, you can ask your employer or the HR manager to ntact or join you at the eting ith the attorney.


  Because your employer technically files the H-1B petition, you ill need operation from your employer every step of the ay.


  For existing jobs, try to find out if each employee ho held the position before you has similar degrees, or if the employer has alays required soone ith a specific degree to fill the position. Every employer is different in terms of structure and familiarity ith the immigration process. Check early to ensure you are prepared!



  Final Tips


  Having a job that is a specialty oupation, as ell as the qualifications to perform that job, are only so of the elents of an H-1B petition. You must also closely follo USCIS’ H-1B deadlines and ensure your employer files and receives a tily certified application from the Departnt of Labor ith the rrect information. Check ith your employer and a knoledgeable immigration attorney early in the process so that you are prepared. Although the current immigration climate is challenging, one of the keys to a suessful H-1B petition is proper planning and preparation.

  拥有一份专业职业,以及获得该职位的资格,只是H-1B申请的一部分内容。 还必须严格遵守USCIS的H-1B截止日期,并确保你的雇主向劳工部及时提交的认证申请,并提供正确的信息。在申请的前期与雇主和知识渊博的移民律师核实,以便做好准备 虽然目前的移民气候具有挑战,但H-1B申请成功的关键之一是正确的规划和准备。


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