1. 简单个人历史
1) What‘s your na
2) Ho long have you prepared your visaintervie Have u prepared the intervie inNe Oriental
3) Where are you from Where is yourhoton
4) Have you ever been to nations asideofChinaHave you ever gone abroad
5) What’s your favorite food
6) Ho old are you
7) Ho long have you been in Shanghai
8) What‘s your hobby What do you doin your spare ti
9) Where is your HUKOU(户口)
10) Which is your favorite restaurant(cafe)
11) Where do you live Where ill youlive
12) Do u have a cup of ffee everymorning?
13) hat kind of puter do you have
14) hat is your favorite lor
2. 复杂个人问题
1) What do you think of the XXX(a question VO is interested tokno ncerning your major)in China
2) What is your favorite pet Why
3) What’s your best/orst quality.
4) Why did you live in Shanghai
5) Who do you think is the best presidentof theUS
6) Do you think ho is the greatestleader in the orld Why
3. 亲属问题
1) Do you ant your ife to go ith you
2) Do you have any relatives in theUnited States
3) What do your parents do
4) Have you any relatives in US
5) Do you have sisters or brothers
6) What is your favorite Arican movie
7) Do you have a girlfriend Where isshe Are you sure your girlfriend ill keep relationith you during your graduate study
1. 笼统问法
1) What ill you do in USA
2) What is your purpose for the visa
2. 关于国家
1) Are you going to study in USA
2) Ho long ill you study inUSA
3) Why do you ant to study inUSA
4) Why do you ant go to theUnited Statesfor further study
5) Many universities in theChinaoffer first--rate graduate programs in xxx.Why do you ant to go to theUSAfor graduatestudy
6) When are you going to enter US
3. 关于学校
1) Ho do you kno this Univ.
2) Why do you choose this Univ.
3) To ho many institutions have youapplied, and ho are they Any other school admitsyou
4) Why did you choose xxxxxx UniversityHo much do you kno about the university
5) Do you kno hich school is the bestin your major What else
6) Is xxxxxxx the first universityto give you the offer
4. 关于专业
1) What ill you study in the United States
2) What do you ant to study inUSA
3) Why do you ant to study xxx in theUS
4) What is your ultimate academic goal
5) What ill you study in this majorWhat urses
6) What‘s the difference beteenyour major no and the major inUSA
7) Why do you change your major
5. 关于学位
1) Why do you ant to pursue a master’s/doctoral degree
2) Why do you think it is ti for youto pursue master‘s/doctoral degree no
6. 关于TA/RA
1) If you say you ill be a teacherin the future, hat ill you teach
2) What kind of orks you ill do forthis assistant ship What’s yourduty as a TA/RA
3) What ill you teach
4) What ill you do if you can not finda position in the big panies/ xxx university
1. 专业背景
1) What is your major In hat aspect of your major ill you studyWhat is your favorite subjectCan it be used to militaryutilities
2) When/here did you get your BS/MS
3) What is your academic background
4) Why do you like your major
5) What is the difficult class do youhave
6) What institution did you attend andhat as your major
7) What does your major an
8) Can you give an example of your icthat is applied in our living
9) Is your transcript original
10) 课程概述.Can you talk sothing about the urse XX
11) What is your dissertation abouthat is your specific research of your undergraduate paper
12) What have you done in your research
13) Are you a student in your schoolWhat about your ranking in your class
2. 工作背景
1) What/here areyou orking no
2) What do you do ith your ork forMS/phd
3) What have you done after you graduatedfrom university
4) Ho long does it take to muteto your ork place
5) Are you a orker or a student no
6) Ho much do you earn no Ho muchill you earn hen you e back
7) What is your current project in yourpany What are you responsible for in yourpresent post
8) Ho many years have your orked
9) Why did you choose your present job
10) Where is your pany located in
11) So hat developnt/programming toolsdo you use(CS)
12) Have you business card Do you havea na card
13) Why have you quit your job
14) (Set up my on pany about)Is it difficult
3. 英语能力
1) Ho long have youprepared for GRE Did you cheat
2) When did you join the T/G test
3) What sre did you get in T/G test
4) Ho did you take GRE
4. 财务能力
1) Have you anyscholarship
2) Why do you receive financial aidfrom this Univ.
3) Ho much do you expect you ill haveto spend each year in theUnited States
4) Ho do you support yourself duringyour studies in theUnited States
5) Do you plan to seek Financial supportin theUS
6) Who ill be your sponsor Ho muchis his annual ine and hat ill be the amountyou ill receive annually Do youhave a bank deposit certification
7) Have you any bank deposit
8) Can you tell hich assistant ship they give you TA or RA.
9) Your assistant ship is for one year, then ho about the folloingyears
1. 归国计划
1) What is your plan What ill you do after graduation Why hatkind of job can you find in thefuture
2) Give three reasons that you ille back toChina
3) Can you explain hy 90% Chinese studentsdidn‘t e back
4) Do you plan to seek employnt intheUSafter you have pleted your studies
5) What is your dream
6) You can also make more of this kindof money in US, hy don’t you ant to earnmore hy you e back toChinainsteadof finding a job inArica
7) Will you e back to this panyafter graduation
2. 中美比较
1) What is the thing you likebest in Arica, or the thing you like best in China
2) Then hat is the thing you don‘tlike most inChina
3) What do you think is the best/orstthing of the U.S
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