
出国留学 2023-01-01 09:22英国留学www.ettschool.cn



  1、人文学院(Faculty of Art)



  MA Composition of Music for Film and Television

  MA Music

  MA Film and Television Production/Studies

  MA Performance Research

  MPhil, MLitt, PhD in Drama: Theatre, Film, Television (Postgraduate Research Program)

  MA History of Art: Histories Interpretations

  MPhil, MLitt, PhD in English Literature (Postgraduate Research Program)

  2、工程学院(Faculty of Engineering)



  MSc Computer Science

  MSc Advanced Computing

  MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering

  MSc Image and Video Communications and Signal Processing

  MSc Wireless Communications and Signal Processing

  PhD Engineering Mathematics

  MSc by Research & PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  MSc & PhD Aerospace Engineering

  3、社会科学和法学院(Faculty of Social Sciences and La)



  MSc Enomics

  MSc Enomics and Enotrics

  MSc Enomics, Acunting and Finance

  MSc Enomics and Finance

  MSc Finance and Investnt

  MEd Education - Educational Leadership, Policy and Developnt

  MEd Education - Psychology of Education

  MSc Education – Science and Education

  4、理学院(Faculty of Science)

  理学院是布里斯托大学最大的学院,2008年英国研究评估中机构(Research Assessnt Exercise)将布里斯托大学的理学院列入Top 3,堪比牛津和剑桥大学。理学院有10个全额奖学金名额给博士生。


  MSc Mathematical Science

  MSc Nanoscience and Functional Nanomaterials

  MSc Statistics

  PhD Chemical Synthesis

  PhD & MSc by Research Chemistry

  PhD & MSc by Research Earth Science

  PhD & MSc by Research Geographical Sciences (Physical Geography)

  PhD & MSc by Research Physics

  PhD Nanoscience

  PhD & MSc Mathematics

  5、医药与牙医科学院(Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry)

  医药与牙医科学院有世界上顶尖的教授,每年吸引英国最优秀的学生。该学院下设三个系,分别是School of Social Community Medicine, 关注传染病学,公共健康,康健服务研究等领域;School of Clinical Science, 研究申请系统科学,内分泌学,肾脏,免疫等;School of Oral and Dental Sciences,主要就是牙医科学。医学和兽医学院(Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Science)的研究优势有神经科学,心血管科,分子生物学等。


  MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Biodical Sciences Research

  MSc, PGDip, PGCert Meat Science and Technology

  MSc, PGDip, PGCert Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences

  PhD, MSc by Research Biochemistry

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