牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)位于世界学术名城——牛津。这里学风浓郁、精英荟萃,历来为求学圣地。布鲁克斯大学历史悠久,始建于1865年,以其授课和课程设置的不断创新和高质量而享有国际声誉(多门课程教学评比获得满分);在教学和科研上,以结合实际应用解决现实世界的课题而着称(多个研究领域位于世界前沿)。学校以其雄厚的教学实力为保障,在授课上注重实际应用,使学生能达到更高的学习效率。大学课程设置全面,从本科课程到研究生课程,包含各个领域,包括了建筑、工程、商业、计算机和数学科学、教育、人文学、语言、法律、策划、结构和地球科学、健康护理、生物和分子学、饭店管理、房地产管理、出版印刷、社会科学音乐、艺术等。
Business and Managent BA (Hons)
Business Managent (Final Year Entry) BA (Hons)
Business and Marketing Managent BA (Hons)
Business and Marketing Managent -up BA (Hons)
Enomics, Finance and International Business BSc (Hons)
Enomics, Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)
Marketing Managent BA (Hons)
Building Information Modelling and Managent MSc
Construction Project Managent MSc
Digital Marketing MSc
Environntal Impact Assessnt and Managent MSc
Finance MSc
Global Events Managent MSc
Health Sciences Open Aard MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Infrastructure Planning and Sustainable Developnt MSc
International Business and Marketing Managent MSc
International Business Managent MSc
International Business Managent and Corporate Social Responsibility MSc
International Business Managent and Entrepreneurship MSc
International Hospitality, Events and Tourism Managent MSc
International Hotel and Tourism Managent MSc
International Luxury Marketing MSc
Managent and Business AnalyticsMSc
Marketing MSc
Marketing and Brand Managent MSc
Marketing Communications Managent MSc
Project Managent in the Built Environnt MSc
Public Health MPH
Quantity Surveying and Comrcial Managent MSc
Real Estate MSc
Spatial Planning MSc
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