
出国留学 2022-12-31 13:41英国留学www.ettschool.cn

  德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University,简称DMU)坐落在英格兰的莱斯特郡,是一所优质的综合性大学。大学命名为德蒙福特是为了纪念Simon de Montfort,曾经的第六世莱斯特伯爵 (Earl of Leicester), 中世纪期间建立英国第一个议会的伟人。德蒙福特大学莱斯特商学院是英国提供商科与管理教育专业的最大的学院之一,也是英国商学院协会的主要成员之一。更是投入了3500万英镑用于建设新的教学大楼Hugh Aston Building。会计系拥有英国最大的ACCA培训中心之一,ACCA协会授予其优秀学院资格(Premier Status),会计系毕业生在总计14门ACCA考试课程中可以免考多达9门课程,DMU还得到CIMA认证。



  Business Managent BA (Hons)

  International Finance and Business BA (Hons)

  Art and Design

  Architecture and Sustainability MSc

  Design Innovation MA/MSc

  Fashion Managent ith Marketing MA

  Business and La

  Advertising and Public Realations Managent MSc

  Master of Business Administration MBA (Global)

  International Business and Entrepreneurship MSc

  International Business and Finance MSc

  International Business and Human Resource Managent MSc

  International Business and Managent MSc

  International Business and Marketing MSc

  Marketing Managent MSc

  Project Managent MSc

  Doctor of Business Administration DBA

  Strategic and Digital Marketing MSc

  Computing and Engineering

  Aeronautical Engineering MSc

  Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Computing MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Cyber Security MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Cyber Technology MSc

  Data Analytics MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Electronic Engineering MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Energy and Sustainable Developnt MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Energy Engineering MSc

  Engineering Managent MSc

  Information Systems Managent MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Intelligent Systems MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Intelligent Systems and Robotics MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Mechanical Engineering MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Mechatronics MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

  Softare Engineering MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

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