当我们想要表达祝福时,"Blessing"是对应的英文词汇。其发音为 [bles] 或 [bls]。除了作为名词表示祝福、好事、福分等,它还可以作为动词表示求神赐福于某人或某物。在语境中,我们可以灵活运用这个词汇。比如,"I let love flow into my world, blessing everybody and everything."(我让爱流入我的世界,祝福每个人和每件事。)
"Blessing"这个词汇还有很多搭配,如“A blessing in disguise”(塞翁失马,因祸得福)、"mixed blessing"(好坏掺半之事)等。而在日常祷告中,我们可能会说"ask a blessing"。
"Best wishes for you!"
"May you be happy and healthy!"
"Good luck!"
"New year, new start!"
"Everything goes well."
"Happiness surround you always."
"In 2023, may God bless you with 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of success, 8760 hours of good health, 52600 minutes of luck, and 3153600 seconds of pure joy!"
1. The New Year comes but once a year, but when it arrives, it brings joy and cheer.
2. A New Year greeting to bring you cheer, my dear friend.
3. With a heart full of joy, I wish you a New Year filled with happiness and all its trimmings.
4. May this New Year be the best one yet for you!
5. We offer warmest wishes for the New Year to you.
6. Hoping you enjoy the joy of the New Year and all its festivities.
7. May the spirit of the New Year be with you throughout the year.
8. Wishing you joy and happiness in the upcoming year.愿你在新的一年里充满喜悦和幸福。
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