
好词好句 2022-06-18 18:24摘抄好词好句www.ettschool.cn


Any high level petition is almost all ntal petition. We can call it business soul petition.


Unity is strength and unity has advantages. May people handle the relationship beteen petition and operation more isely and carry forard the spirit of unity and operation hile actively peting.


In fact, petition seems to be an unordinated factor, but it is actually a reliable link that unites all the ponents of society.


Competition instinct is a kind of ild incentive, through hich one person's advantages are shon from another's shortings.


Only by facing the petition can e fully display our actual strength, overe ourselves, advance bravely toards our on shortings and sho the hope of victory.


In a orld here everything is based on petition, there is no room for fairy-tale fantasies and sentintality.


Suessful petitors alays take risks in their thinking, but in their actions they try to minimize them or avoid them very skillfully.


The pursuit of life petition oupies all living things and sustains their activities.


Only by starting, can e reach the ideal destination; only by soing, can e harvest; only by peting, can e stand out and better realize the value of life.


Life is no different from playing chess or playing ball gas. As long as e enter the office, e should be a heroic struggle.


No matter ho big or small, no one is high or lo. When there are no opposites, people ill even create an opposite side to pete ith them.


If the husband does not argue, the orld can not ntend ith it. In ancient tis, the so-called tune is full of ords. All sincerity is returned.


The real problem is not that you have done better than before, but that you have done better than your petitors.


It is impossible to avoid petition. There must be petition and avoidance of petition in the market. Is this not seeking death?


For a an person, he is a slave to jealousy; for a learned and temperantal person, jealousy turns into petition.


The lack of enterprising spirit ans degeneration. Only by opening up and petition can e remain invincible.


We are grateful for petition. Competition creates our profound knoledge, modesty, and perseverance. Competition makes life lorful.


Being petitive is nothing else, it is our desire for sothing that arises because e imagine that other people of my kind have the sa desire.


Competition, you are a silent and passionate music. I think: as long as e study hard, e ill be able to play a magnificent movent in the petitive arena.


Competition is painful. To rise above difficulties is the function of petition. Elimination is not rong. People often create miracles under the pressure of elimination and neutralization.


If no other horse catchs and surpasses it, it ill never gallop.


Cruel petition makes people bee practical, can make people see through the truth hidden under various obstacles at a glance, understanding of human nature, and interpretation of life is also a little more Zen.


Competition can make us ork harder and make progress. No matter hat the result is, happy petition is the most important thing.


Monopolist offers only plain living, poor quality and uncivilized service.


Imitation is the best plint to petitors, so Baidu is the best plint to us.


Competition has alays been the stimulus to most violent activities even from the beginning of mankind.


Alays think highly of your opponent, even if he is very eak, you must think of him very strongly.


The essence of petition is not stronger, not more agile, or smarter than anyone, but less foolish than ho.


The only lasting petitive advantage, perhaps, is the ability to learn faster than your petitors.


The most effective ay to protect nsurs is free petition at ho and free trade all over the orld.


What do you ant them to do? Competition can make nsurs better than bad, just like running, running alone, several people, feel different.


When the starting gun goes off, you don't have ti to see ho your opponent is running. Only tomorro is our petitor.


It is dangerous to pete against three equal persons; to pete ith the strong is arrogant; to ntend ith the eak is to lose face.


Everyone has his on strengths and eaknesses. In order to in in the petition, he must learn to pete in his on field of strength.


If the enterprise is eliminated in the market, it is not eliminated by your petitors, it must be abandoned by your users.


Competition has alays been, and even from the beginning of mankind, is the stimulus for most violent activities.


For an individual, petition can stimulate his potential; for a untry, petition can help her prosper; for the orld, petition can make it dazzling.


Good petitive psychology and proper petitive spirit are the motive force to make a suessful career and to urge individuals to make progress.


Competition is everyhere. Competition is the inexhaustible motive force for human progress. Competition is the best ay to select talents. Competition is the fundantal ay to improve oneself and realize national self-reliance.


Competition can make nsurs better than bad, just like running, running alone, several people, feel different.


The secret of petitive advantage is innovation, hich is more so than at any ti in history.


The survival of all things depends on the petition of natural forces, and emotion itself is the natural force of life.


There is no secret in today's shopping malls. Secrets are not your re petitiveness.


It is called jealousy that a petitor is saddened by his suess in ealth, fa or other good deeds and strives to bee stronger in order to rival or surpass his opponent.


If a cause is beneficial to society, it should be alloed to pete freely and idely. The more free and universal petition is, the more beneficial the cause is to society.


Life is a grand arena here everyone can pete for victory, but e must obey the rules of the ga honestly.


The more intense petition is, the more e need to adjust our mindset and adjust our relationship ith others.


To be a leader, no matter hat industry you are engaged in, you must do a bit better than your petitors.


He is a slave to jealousy for a an-hearted man, but for a learned and temperantal man, jealousy turns into petition.


"There are no permanent friends and no eternal enemies in the market." This famous philosophical motto reveals the dialectical relationship beteen petition and operation, and petition does not exclude operation.

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