
好词好句 2022-06-18 18:24摘抄好词好句www.ettschool.cn


Failure is not a bad thing. A failure can teach you a lot, even more useful than hat you learned in llege.


If you think your boss is fierce, hen you bee a boss, you ill kno that the boss has no job tenure guarantee.


If you ss up, it's not your parents'fault, so don't hine about our mistakes, learn from them.


The ay you llect, manage and use information determines hether you in or lose.


If you think your boss is fierce, you ill kno hen you bee a boss that he has no job tenure guarantee.


We ill alays design for the future in our hearts, and our employees ill alays follo the latest hardare and softare technology.


When a small number of people ntrol the platform ith super intelligence, it ill create risk factors for poer and ultimately ntrol the orld.


Wealth by expertise and arm the mind ith knoledge. Everyone has knoledge and expertise, as do beggars, but you have not found it yourself.


If you really can't do it ell, at least make it look good.


Luck is a factor, but I think the most important factor is our vision and high insight. I've alays seen the orld through binoculars.


Be nice to nerds. You'll probably be orking for one of them in the future.


Because I have to be honest, a good leader can't abuse reards and praises at ill. I ill be very careful about hat I promise my employees.


If you believe that every life is equal, you ill find it unaeptable that so lives have been saved and others have been abandoned.


If one ants to sueed, one must learn to jump up and seize the opportunity hen it flies overhead. This ill increase the chances of seizing opportunities.


Life is not a sester system. No employer has a hobby to help you find yourself. Please use your ti to do this.


Intellectual property rights have a shelf life like bananas. If you don't innovate, your petitors ill alays surpass you.


This service guideline is very important for custors to keep their promises.


It's not real life on TV. In real life, everyone has to leave the cafe and go to ork.


The orld doesn't care about your self-esteem. The orld expects you to achieve sothing before you feel good about yourself.


Never criticize others behind their backs, especially your boss for his ignorance, anness and inpetence.


Life is not fair. Get used to it. Don't pray for a fair life, just adapt to it.


Knoing hat you ant to do and hat you can do are the to keys to suess.


Take aay our personal talent, and I tell you, Microsoft ill bee an insignificant pany.


Life is not divided into sesters. You don't have sumr vacation to rest, and fe employers are illing to help you find yourself. Do it yourself.


Once you make a decision, don't delay. Do hatever you ant! Act no!


Life is a fire. The only thing each of us can do is to save more from the fire.


A good habit is a treasure. Once you have it, you ill benefit for life. Get into the habit of acting, and your life ill bee more aningful.


When you are in an artificial predicant, don't plain, you can only learn lessons silently.

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