1、自信和希望是青年的特权。——王尔德 Confidence and hope is the privilege of youth.
2、青春须早为,岂能长少年。——孟郊 The youth should be early to, ho long the young.
3、万事须已远,他得百我闲。青春须早为,岂能常少年。——孟郊 Everything must be far, he has to I spare. The youth should be early to, is alays young.
4、青春是人生之花,(next88)是生命的自然表现。——池田大作 Youth is the floer of life, is the natural expression of life.
5、青春是一年的青春,青春是生命的的春天。——雨果 Youth is a year of youth, youth is the spring of life.
6、青春留不住,白发自然生。——杜牧 The youth do not leave, hite hair natural born.
7、青春不是人生的一段时期,而是心灵的一种状况。——塞涅卡 Youth is not a period of life, it is a ndition in hich a person's mind.
8、谁能保持永远的青春,便是伟大的人。——郭沫弱 Who can keep youth forever, it is a great man.
9、所谓青春,就是心理的年轻。——松下幸之助 The so-called youth, is psychology of young.
10、必须永远朝着黎明青春和生命那方面看。——雨果 Must be alays in the youth and the dan that side of life.
11、青春时期的任何事情都是考验。——史蒂文森 Youth is the test of anything else.
12、青春期完全是搜索的的大好时光。——史帝文森 Adolescence is the search of the good tis.
13、益重青春志,风霜恒不渝。——李隆基 Yi youth volunteers, nstant ind and frost.
14、青春活泼的心,决不作悲哀的留滞。——冰心 The youth lively heart, never be sad detention.
15、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义。——拜伦 What is the taste ithout youth love? What's the aning of the youth ithout love.
16、青年的主要任务是学习。——朱德 Youth is the main task of the study.
17、得到智慧的惟一办法,就是用青春去买。——杰克·伦敦 Get isdom, the only ay is to use the youth to buy.
18、又易逝,令人扼腕叹无奈。——佚名 Again, a lantable sighing helplessly.
19、日莫空,青春再来。——林宽 Don't empty, youth es back to you.
20、青年时种下什么,老年时就收获什么。——易卜生 Youth is a kind of hat, hat you gain hen old.
21、超乎一切之上的一件事,就是保持青春朝气。——莎士比亚 One thing above all, is to keep the youth vigor.
22、生命的黎明是乐园,青春才是真正的天堂。——华兹华斯 The dan of life is paradise, the youth is the real paradise.
23、青春是美妙的,挥霍青春就是犯罪。——萧伯纳 Youth is onderful, squander youth is a cri.
24、迟到的青春是持久的青春。——尼采 Youth is lasting youth I as late.
25、青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及。——权德兴 Youth is asted ithout, hitehead bit sadness and fill.
26、现代的命运,取决于青年人崇高而奔放的激情。——德恩格斯 The fate of modern, lofty and bold and unrestrained passion depends on young people.
27、青春,就像受赞美的春天。——勃特勒 Youth, like the spring by the praise.
28、青春一去不复返,事业一纵永无成。——勃朗宁 Youth is gone, cause a ZongYong.
29、丝染无复白,鬓白无重黑,努力爱青春,一失不再得。——旋国章 Silk dyed ith no hite, grey hite ithout heavy black, efforts to love youth, a loss no longer gain.
30、白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。——网络收集 Singing in dayti must seize, youth good panions of the return of the native.
31、青春是块原料,迟早要制作成形。——莎士比亚 Youth is a piece of ra materials, production forming sooner or later.
32、精力充沛的青春,是不怎么容易灭亡的。——卡罗萨 Ho energetic youth, it is not easy to die.
33、题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。——于谦 Sense to send you not not, mo negative youth from sha.
34、少壮及时宜努力,老大无堪还可憎。——欧阳修 Young in a tily manner appropriate to the boss ithout also detestable.
35、青春是生命中最美好的一段时间。——黑格尔 Youth is the best in life for a period of ti.
36、青春能弥补一切。——赫兹里特 Youth makes us and for everything.
37、青春是在它即将逝去的时候最具有魅力。——塞涅卡 Youth is the most attractive hen it is lost.
38、青年人充满活力,像春水一样丰富。——拜伦 Young people full of vitality, like feeling rich.
39、青春是不耐久藏的东西。——莎士比亚 Youth is not durable hidden things.
40、青春去时不告别,老年来时不招手。——俄罗斯谚语 Youth to don't say goodbye, hen you can't e.
41、河水泉源千年在,青春一去不复返。——维吾尔族谚语 The river springs in one thousand, the youth gone forever.
42、有些人到了老年才第一次体验自己的青春。——保罗 So people go to the old age just the first experience their on youth.
43、充满了精神的青春,是不会那么轻易消失的。——卡洛萨 Filled ith the spirit of youth, ill not disappear so easily.
44、呵,青春!你永远是可亲可爱的。——荷马人 Oh, youth! You ill alays be kind and lovely.
45、友谊、活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。——空茨凯维支 Friendship, active, and the song of youth ill ease our pain.
46、努力学习,勤奋工作,让青春更加光彩。——王光美 Study hard, ork hard, make the youth more glorious.
47、有许多人是用青春的幸福作为成功的代价的。——莫扎特 There are many people ho are in youth happiness as the price of suess.
48、青春耐久藏珍宝。——莎士亚 Youth durable hidden treasure.
49、谁虚度年华,青春就要裉色,生命就会抛弃他们。——雨果 Who to idle aay one's ti, youth ill Ken lor, life ill abandon them.
50、寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。——于谦 Send you not not, mo negative youth from sha.
51、乐观的人永葆青春。——拜伦 Optimistic person eternal youth.
52、青春是没有经验和任性的。——泰戈尔 There is no experience and ayard youth.
53、青春是美妙的;挥霍青春就是犯罪。——萧伯纳 Youth is beautiful; Squandering youth is a cri.
54、青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。——约肖特豪斯 The illusion of youth craze and lovely.
55、青春之所以幸福,是因为它有前途。——果戈理 Youth is happy, because it has a future.
56、希望会使你年轻,因为希望和青春是同胞兄弟。——雪莱 Hope can make you young, because I hope and youth are brothers.
57、青春时光转眼即逝。——贺拉斯 Youth ti hich passes in an instant.
58、书,能保持我们的童心;书,能保持我们的青春。——严文井 Book, can keep our childlike innocence; Book, can keep our youth.
59、青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及!——权德舆 Youth is asted ithout, hitehead and bit sad fill!
60、人的一生只有一次青春。——朗费罗 Only a young person's life.
61、白首壮心驯大海,青春浩气走千山。——林伯渠 Whitehead hero breaking the sea, the youth haoqi qianshan mountain.
62、青春之所以幸福,就因为它有前途。——俄果戈里 Youth is happy, because it is promising.
63、无论做什么事情,只要肯努力奋斗,是没有不成功的。——英牛顿 No matter hat, as long as the ork hard struggle, is not suessful.
64、百金买骏马,千金买美人;万金买高爵,何处买青春。——屈原 Best buy gold horse, daughter buy a beauty; Describe a buy high, here to buy youth.
65、青春是一种持续的陶醉,是理智的狂热。——拉罗什富科 Youth is a nstant, is a passionate sense.
66、百金买骏马,千金买美人;万金买高爵,何处买青春?——屈原 Best buy gold horse, daughter buy a beauty; Describe a buy high, here to buy youth?
67、友谊活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。——空茨凯维支 Friendship is active and the song of youth ill ease our pain.
68、青春的梦想,是未来的真实的投影。——英国 The dream of youth, is the real projection of the future.
69、青春最漂亮的装饰应该是勇气。——德雷·马克 Youth is the most beautiful deration should be urage.
70、青春是一本太仓促的书。——席慕容 Youth is a too hasty book.
71、青春终究是幸福,因为它有未来。——果戈理 Youth is ultimately happiness, because it has a future.
72、青春是惟一值得拥有的东西。——王尔德 Youth is the only thing orth having.
73、白日莫空过,青春不再来。——林宽 The day not empty, the youth ill never e again.