1、回头看我的创业历程,是不断寻找、不断纠正的过程。——吴锡桑 Looking back at my entrepreneurial journey, is a process of nstantly looking for, rrect。
2、互联网像一杯啤酒,有沫的时候最好喝。——马云 The Inter like a glass of beer, a foam hen had better drink。
3、天下无难事,惟坚忍二字,为成功之要诀。——黄兴 The orld is difficult, but perseverance, is the key to suess。
4、从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。——杰弗逊 Never a aste of ti, there is no ti plaining about didn't have enough ti。
5、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。——罗曼?罗兰 The most terrible enemy is no strong belief。
6、不幸,是一所最好的大学。——别林斯基 Unfortunately, it is a best university。
7、告诉你使我达到成功的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。——巴斯德 To tell you that I reach the secrets of suess, I only strength is I adhere to the spirit。
8、智慧是做事用的,对于灵魂来说,靠的是信仰。——高尔基 Wisdom is to do things, for the soul, by faith。
9、天才是永恒的耐心。——米开朗琪罗 Genius is eternal patience。
10、忍耐虽然痛苦,果实却最香甜。——萨迪 Patience although painful, is the most seet fruit。
11、人不能把什么都设计好了才上路。——张若玫 People can't take anything designed to hit the road。
12、任何节约回根到底是时间的节约。——马克思 Any savings back into the root to the end is the saving of ti。
13、为学须刚与恒,不刚则隋隳,不恒则退。——冯子咸 For learning to be just and nstant, not just the sui Hui, not nstant is to go back。
14、耐心和持久胜于激烈的狂热。——拉封丹 Patience and persistence than intense enthusiasm。
15、只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。——郑秀芳 As long as the fate can't break faith, the light of hope ill dispel clouds of despair。
16、创业要找最合适的人,不一定要找最成功的人!——马云 Venture to find the most suitable person, not necessarily for the most suessful people!
17、人们的毅力是衡量决心的尺度。——穆泰奈比 Perseverance is a asure of determination。
18、时间就是能力等等发展的地盘。——马克思 Ti is ability and so on the developnt of the site。
19、人要有毅力,否则将一事无成。——居里夫人 People should have perseverance, otherise ill acplish nothing。
20、一朝开始便永远能够将事业续继下去的人是幸福的。——赫尔克 Once beginning to ill be ntinued career after forever happy is the man ho is。
21、一个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于99个只有兴趣者。——列夫?托尔斯泰 A belief is developed by the poer, greater than 99 only interested。
22、毅力是永久的享受。——布莱克 Perseverance is permanent enjoy。
23、坚强者能在命运风暴中奋斗。——爱迪生 Can the tough struggle in the storm of fate。
24、伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 A great career needs unserving spirit。
25、伟大的作品不只是靠力量完成,更是靠坚定不移的信念。——塞缪尔?约翰逊 Great ork not only by strength to plete, but also by the firm belief。
26、读不在三更五鼓,(next88)功只怕一曝十寒。——郭沫若 Reading is not the night five drum, is ork by fits and starts。
27、时间是我的财产,我的田亩是时间。——歌德 Ti is my property, my field is ti。
28、一个人再有本事,也得通过所在社会的主流价值认同,才能有机会。——任正非 A person no matter, also have to go through in the mainstream values of social identity, to have a chance。
29、人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。——巴尔扎克 People of all abilities is the mixture of patience and ti。
30、要在文化上有成绩,则非韧不可。——鲁迅 To have achievent in culture, must be tough。
31、抛弃今天的人,不会有明天;而昨天,不过是行往流水。——约翰?洛克 Abandoned people today, there ill be no tomorro; And yesterday, but is the line into the ater。
32、为学犹掘井,井愈深土愈难出,若不决心到底,岂得见泉源乎?——张九功 For the study of digging Wells, the more difficult the ell the deep soil, if not determined, or to see a fountain?
33、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。——约翰生 Event is not the size of the poer, and can insist on ho long。
34、公道安排时间,就即是节约时间。——培根 Reasonable arrangent of ti, it is to save ti。
35、没有方法能使时钏为我敲已过往了的钟点。——拜伦 There is no ay that you can make about to knock I have past the hour。
36、信念是鸟,它在黎明仍然黑暗之际,感觉到了光明,唱出了歌。——泰戈尔 Faith is the bird, it es as the dan is still dark felt light, sing the song。
37、伟大的人做事决不半途而废。——汉密尔顿 Great man never do things by halves。
38、就是有九十九个困难,只要有一个坚强的意志就不困难。——杨根思 Is there are niy-nine difficulties, as long as there is a strong ill is not difficult。
39、在荆棘道路上,惟有信念和忍耐能开辟出康庄大道。——松下幸之助 The thorns on the road, but the faith and patience can open up out of the ay。
40、一两智慧胜过十吨辛苦,脑袋决定口袋。——牛根生 A isdom is better than ten tons of hard ork, to head decided to pocket。
41、伟大的毅力只为伟大的目的而产生。——斯大林 Only the great purpose and produce great perseverance。
42、能克服困难的人,可使困难化为良机。——丘吉尔 To overe the difficulties, can make the difficulties into opportunities。
43、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。——狄更斯 Dogged illpoer can nquer any peak in the orld。
44、办成改革的产物,而不是改革的对象。——陈慕华 Reform of the product, and not the object of the reform。
45、放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。——莎士比亚 Abandoning ti person, ti also give up him。
46、要敢于面对自己的缺点,不断改进才能不断提升。——郭广昌 Dare to face their on shortings, ntinuous improvent to improve。
47、胜利属于最坚忍的人。——拿破仑 Victory belongs to the most persevering。
48、信念最好能由经验和明确的思想来支持。——爱因斯坦 Faith is best can support by experience and clear ideas。
49、登高莫问顶,途中耳目新。——潘刚 Climb the mo ask , on the ay find everything ne and fresh。
50、领导者应该常常保持自省的姿态和心态。——江南春 Leaders should often maintain introspection posture and attitude。
51、一个能思想的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。——巴尔扎克 A thinking person, only is a poer of endless。
52、我每天都自问有没有犯错误。——梁昭贤 Every day I ask myself if there is any mistake。
53、所有坚韧不拔的努力迟早会取得报酬的。——安格尔 Sooner or later, all the tenacious efforts ill be paid。
54、惟坚韧者始能遂其志。——富兰克林 But a tough beginning can hence its volunteers。
55、宿命论是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口。——罗曼?罗兰 Fatalism is an excuse for those ho lack the illpoer of the eak。
56、给自己留了后路相当于是劝自己不要全力以赴。——王石 Give yourself left posterior rather then advise not to go all out。
57、世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。——雨果 The orld is the lack of perseverance, not strength。
58、工作上的执着实际上是人的一种意志。——张近东 Persistence is, in fact, people on the job of a ill。
59、困难越大,荣耀也越大。——西塞罗 The greater the difficulties, the more glory。
60、春光不自留,浪漫一身官方旗舰店莫怪东风恶。——莎士比亚 Spring is not retained, romantic a surprising dongfeng evil official flagship store。